After several months of running VTM5e campaign, plus having now run a one-off VTM5e scenario at least 4 times, here are some thoughts…
No-one wants to play Thin Bloods. They are always chosen last on the sign up sheets for the one-off games. Which means they didn’t get played at all the times I only had 3 players for those games.
The multiple options for Disciplines is a pain in the backside, and makes a bit of a joke of the “statted up” NPCs in the core rules. In Ye Olde VTM, if an NPC’s stats said Celerity 3, Auspex 4, then I knew exactly what they had and what they could do. But in 5e, I don’t - I have to go look at options and choices. This means that if the campaign players suddenly decided to attack one of their NPC allies or unexpectedly took it into their heads to go and punch a werewolf in the face, then the game would abruptly stop. I’d have to tell the players to go and cook themselves a 3 course meal, while I go through all the options and stat up the NPCs.
The lack of any defence stat when you are attacking means the side with superior numbers wins. Every. Single. Time. (Exception: one side is mooks with no proper stats). The Incredible Hulk is fighting Baldric, Mr Bean and Homer Simpson. The Hulk (7d) and Baldric (3d) roll simultaneously, the Hulk gets more successes, and Baldric takes damage. Then Mr Bean (3d) hits the Hulk (no defence) and does damage. Then Homer Simpson (3d) hits the Hulk (no defence) and does damage. The Hulk is now toast. Or the Hulk can split his dice pool to deal with all 3 opponents (3d, 2d, 2d) but he still gets trashed, because his individual pools are so low.
The nerfing of Disciplines exacerbates the above. The NPCs in the core rules look as if they should be really tough to kill. e,g, the Bloodthirsty Sheriff with Potence 4, Celerity 3 and a Brawl pool of 7d. But in reality he’s got a couple of extra hit points and can do some extra superficial damage (4 points, which immediately gets halved) in unarmed attacks. He can add Celerity 3 to Defence once a turn… but you don’t get an attack if you defend! It’s an either/or, so I’m struggling to figure out what that ability is actually for…
The 3 Turns and the fight is over is nice in some ways (keeps fights short), but again it exacerbates the fact the PCs can’t lose when dog-piling a single opponent, and rarely lose when fighting one-on-one with several opponents. The fight just stops at a stage where I as GM have to decide whether (a) yet another NPC throws in the towel, or (b) I do a dick move and have a “with one bound Jack was free” moment for the NPC to get away. Neither are satisfying.
I think I might just give up on bothering with Disciplines etc and see how it works as treating all NPCs as Mooks on Steroids. Damaging a Mook is Difficulty 3, so damaging a Mook on Steroids is Difficulty 5 or 6??? But that might make them unkillable.