I have pre-generated a team of three player characters in 1st edition ForeSight with almost no house-rules, hardly any at all. They are effectives for an NGO that need not be specified until necessary.
Anton AMEHARA is a break & enter expert, wheel artist in three media, wire rat, cobbler, and pavement artist. He specialises in getting into places by circumventing the physical security features. When the team gets somewhere they oughtn’t to be, Amehara opens safes, installs, repairs, and modifies electronic and mechanical gadgets, and plants bugs.
Seven hundred years ago, Amehara’s ancestors were a bunch of Tolkien fans who thought it would be a good idea to have themselves turned into hobbits (using body modification themselves and germ-line genetic engineering on behalf of their posterity). It was not a good idea. Anton is not a Tolkien fan. But he can often pass for a child of ten or so, which comes in handy sometimes.
Oliver BHAREE is an expert in infiltration and second-storey work. He is also a medic (fully trained doctor, in fact!) and a really rather frightening “heavy”. He specialises in getting into places by climbing obstacles and sneaking past patrols. When the team gets somewhere it shouldn’t be, Bharee treats the sick and injured, hurts and snatches people, deals with forensic science issues, and blows things up or burns them down,
Bahree is a refugee from godhood on Navabharata; it is a high status in a technocratic aristocracy, but he couldn’t come at the extensive body modification involved, and doesn’t fancy being eaten by the poor.
Sigurd CLAUDIUS PULCHER is a cuckoo and “asset handler”, also a hacker and analyst. He specialises in getting into places he shouldn’t be on social pretexts and by tricking people into letting him in; also, he manipulates people into bringing things out so that the team doesn’t have to go in. When the team gets somewhere it shouldn’t be, Claudius Pulcher talks people into or out of things, extracts information from computer systems, and elicits confidences.
Claudius Pulcher grew up in the “drudger” class on Ladon, a wealthy world where the politically-privileged working class look down on the numerous and resentful “bludgers”. He didn’t like the stultifying social conventions, the class hostility, the specific kinds of work that were available to a person of his skills, or the prospect of being sneered at if he took to a life of comfortable idleness or frivolity.
The team really ought to have female members as well, but none of the players for the adventure I am preparing wants to play a woman, so generating a female PC was not a high priority. Any of these character sheets would do for a female character with a change to which “sex” box is ticked and perhaps a different name.