Power Vacuum: Can You Outwit a Sentient Toaster?


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Ha. I’d completely forgotten about this game, and I had the exact same thought process as last time when I saw the suits on the backs of the cards.

Part of my to-do list for the Christmas break was to actually finish that card deck design of mine, so I could get it printed. Didn’t get around to it :(. Sigh.


Absolutely loving Tom’s gimmick for this review. So good.

I’m a fan of trick-taking games, but not of negotiation games, so I’ll pass on this. That said… this must be one of the most aesthetically pleasing productions I’ve seen in ages! It makes me I wish I wanted the actual game.


Huh. I think I first saw this when the original crowdfund was going, and the art put me off quite thoroughly. Hey ho. :slight_smile: