Poorly Described Plots (seven words or fewer)

Oh! OK.

For a change, a poorly described production decision.

Disney won’t do an incest picture.

Star Wars?

I am just going to throw out a guess. Hercules?

I shall have to recuse myself from this one, but I think the point is that the film -isn’t- a Disney film.

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Oh bah this was mine wasn’t it? Sorry!

Back to the Future. Zemeckis was shopping it around and all the studios, wanting the next Porky’s or Fast Times at Ridgemont High, said “not enough smut, take it to Disney”. The Disney people read the plot synopsis and said “we’re not doing an incest picture”.


I don’t think there’s anything going, so:

Cat has last-minute change of heart

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Captain Marvel?

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No. Meow filler.

The dark knight rises?

Is it the obvious answer of “Cats”?

No, and no.

I think @RossM is on the right track.

The Batman?

There are no bats in the subject film.

I am sure one could be added digitally… :wink:

It would be a very different film.

Nine Lives? A film memorably described by Indiewire as ‘less funny than the average cat gif and approximately 1,000 times as long.’

I’ve been Googling films with a feline heart transplant but no luck. Perhaps I’m taking this too literally…


Nope. Also there are mice.

An American Tail?

I would guess The Great Mouse Detective, but I know it’s wrong, because there’s a bat. :stuck_out_tongue: