Pelerines / AORI NOX: word-based TTRPG kickstarter

I came across the kickstarter for Pelerines / AORI NOX and I think it looks cool. It’s nothing to do with me, but I wanted to give it a bit of visibility.

The game(s) are about a pilgrimage to an eclipsed moon, with games like Journey as inspiration. The system is diceless, based on “hooks” chosen from a bank of words relating to the character or chapter of the journey. There is a quickstart PDF that contains all the details.

It reminds me a bit of Everway. I’ve been on a mechanics-heavy RPG kick recently (i.e. Runequest), but this grabbed me. Anyone else have good experiences with diceless games?


I have run Jason Thompson’s Dreamland system which sounds as though it has some mechanical overlaps; there’s a variable word pool, and the more of them you can use in describing your action, the more effective it can be.