[PbP] - Brass Lancashire: Discussion

You need to be on your network for an industry card, but you don’t need to be for a location card.

The main barrier to building with location cards is sourcing coal.



That makes sense.

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I’ll add it in later today. Remind me again if I forget…

Need to flip a distant market tile to continue my turn.


I think I should be on +1 income? Started at -7, flipped two cotton for +6, and the first distant market was +2.

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Perhaps you know this, perhaps you don’t: the odds on drawing a 0 to sell to Yorkshire are something like 2/9. The only realistic way to flip cotton mills now is by flipping linked ports.

No, I don’t know about that, it’s not something that is in Birmingham. Does that mean that the tile wouldn’t flip at all even if I sell? Or it would flip but I wouldn’t get money?

Also, how do you do that thread linking thing?

If the cotton demand marker reaches the bottom of the track, your sell action ends immediately. That means that the cotton mill doesn’t flip (the distant market tile is revealed first) and you can’t flip any further cotton mills in that action.

I am tapping the link icon to copy the address of a post, and pasting that into my reply.

I asked the question because I thought your choice to build that canal might be based on a misunderstanding. As it is, that canal is probably worth only 2-3 VP, and you might be better off doing something else.

Thanks both, I didn’t know that (and I thought there were more tiles in that demand track).

I’m going to change my second action

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The -6 demand reduction from my sales was about the maximum the demand could possibly have dropped.

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Yes, dammit. Just when I get into the cotton trade…

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You can only build a canal extending from your network. Rochdale is not part of your network, so a canal from there to Yorkshire is not possible (and also pretty pointless, as discussed above)

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But once ports are flicked, can they still be used for trade?

I don’t think so

That’s what I thought. Hence the idea to extend canals to Yorkshire as an opening.

I guess I will stick to the coalmine, then.

How is Yorkshire “an opening” though? 7/9 chance of trade failing, and once it fails, it’s over. All canals will disappear in two turns, before distant markets reset.

At the moment, only Ellesmere Port remains, I thought it was interesting to keep another source to sell. I have never played before, Benkyo, isn’t it obvious? :sweat_smile:

Neither have I =)

But if you are worried about the port shortage (there are 3, but only 1 currently linked to your cotton), why not sell to your port before someone else does?

Because I am that thick, you’re totally right. :rofl: :rofl: