PBF Mage Knight

Note that using Crystallise is not an action, you are simply not taking an action this turn.

The keep is revealed as defended by Shock Troops. These guys are never fortified, they rush you instead of staying within the walls. They also have two different armour values: 6 normally, 3 if you block them.

The blue is rerolled to red.

@lordof1 is up.

The might of Goldyx has… not a lot of options this turn. So I’ll play ‘Stamina’ to get two movement points and move to the left of the forest, where I shall sit and gaze with cold reptilian loathing at the orcs.

Nothing else to do but I believe I at least draw an extra card next turn because of ‘planning’?

@marx is up.

Okay, so first things first: move. I’ll play “Stamina” for the 2 movement points to join the good Goldyx.

Then I’ll attack the Orcs: Playing “Swift Reflexes” plus the White Mana allows me to defeat them at Range instead of having to be hit by them.

Glory to… me!

Back to @yashima, I believe… although I think I get something for killing those roving orcs?

Couple of problems with that move:

  1. you would end your move on Goldyx’s space, which would initiate combat with Goldyx as your action - you would be unable to provoke the orcs into attacking you in the same turn.

  2. Even if you could engage the orcs in this way, they are resistant to physical attack, so your attack of 3/2=1.5 would be insufficient to defeat them.

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Huh, I didn’t know we couldn’t share spaces. My bad! Okay, let’s tackle this problem… better.

I guess for now I will try this:
Play “Tirelessness” with 1 other card to get Move 4 and move into the Keep (costing me 1 Reputation).

I will then wait for them to attack and play “Improvisation” along with a Red Mana to block 5 and discarding another card.

Then I will discard the remaining 3 cards to inflict 3 damage and smote the defenders victoriously.

… I think?

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@Benkyo asked for a die roll:
That works (and is almost certainly the best play).

I do need to clarify that you need 5 move to assault the keep, but you can get that by using your other move card instead of “1 other card” for the move.

I’ll update and send you all the levelling up info in a couple of hours.

d6: 2

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Wot Wolfhawk did:

Also depicted are the two skills drawn from levelling up: dueling and deadly aim.

  • Dueling: once a turn, during the block phase: Block 1, Attack 1 vs. the same enemy in the attack phase. If you do not use any Unit ability vs. this enemy, nor assign any damage from the enemy to a Unit, you gain 1 more fame for defeating it.
  • Deadly Aim: once a turn: add +1 to a card that provides ranged/siege attack, or +2 to any card that provides attack (this includes cards played sideways)

@Marx must choose one of these, and also choose an advanced action to put on top of his deck before drawing a new hand (hand size 6, because of the keep)


Over to @yashima

Deadly Aim, please.

Crystal Mastery, please. Blood Rage is more powerful, but it seems… ugly.


Well squished, Sir Knight!

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I think we’re back to you, @yashima ?

Sorry about the pause–we had another load of “Sperrmüll” from my dad’s to get rid of last night.
I want to try to attack that rampaging orc next to me. What does the red icon on the bottom if the token do? I cannot seem to find it in the rulebook.

Next question: I need to block first and then attack if I don’t want to or cannot use any ranged attacks?

Brutal: If an enemy is brutal, it is very dangerous. If you fail to block such an attack, it does double damage in the next phase.

This means a brutal Attack of 3 can either be blocked by Block 3, or it goes through as 6 points of damage.

Gosh, took a lot of searching to find that… from here:

I forgot how “hero” armour works. You have to Block the total value of the attack, or it does nothing (so the Orcs hit for 3, and if you block 2, then all 3 gets through and you’re better off saving your card).

You then take 1 Wound. You then reduce the total damage from the attack by your Armour value (I have Armour 2… I think we all do at this level). So, since the Orcs have “Brutal”, they would have 4 damage remaining. You take another wound, reduce the total by another 2 (2), take another wound, and then reduce it finally to zero.

Interesting here that 6 Attack (from the Orc) results in 3 wounds, but 3 attack, would result in 2… anyway, weird. Block it if you can is the moral of that story.

And yes: Ranged/Siege attacks, then Block, then heroes get to attack.

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Hope the clearing went well! The cards can all be used sideways to give you 1 basic attack or block but I dont think that works for ranged attacks, just FYI (well, mostly to remind me when it’s my turn, to be honest!).

Also, the red icon with the number in it is their fame point value, I think.

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Ah the fame… I could not find that symbol on the overview.

Okay so, I will attack the Orcs! Or rather I taunt them to attack me. I then draw a blue Mana from the source to power my Determination which gives me 5 Block.

Then I swing my druidic staff in Rage using the Red Crystal I got last turn to hit them for 4 Attack. Which isn’t enough, so I need to discard 2 more cards?


Sounds right - because of their physical resistance, you’re going to need to do 6 damage if it’s physical damage, but yes another 2 cards for 1 attack each should do the job as far as I understand it!

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Given that this would result in one card held, I need to know which card at minimum. Yashima also has other options that I outlined in a private message. Once we have a complete turn, I’ll roll the mana die and lordof1 can proceed (while we resolve rewards).


So I’ll just go ahead and post the improved version of my move:

(I didn’t see the green mana in the source!)

  • Block with Determination and One with the Land which each provide 2 Block in their unpowered version.
  • To attack, draw a green mana from the source to power Concentration to power up Rage to dobtain the powered version “for free” plus 2 additional for a total of 6 damage
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@Benkyo asked for a die roll:
d6: 6

Roll for mana