“Oy!” “Wut?” Just chat (The Return of)

They might not be as good* but I do enjoy the process of PnP-ing. Certainly helps when I’m on child duty in the evenings

'* The game as printed (Dual Gauge) has flipping 1-2 mm MDF tokens! I’m never competing against that


Greggs do an evening pizza menu on just eat

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Greggs only sells sausage rolls and bacon butties. Fact.

The advert is a lie


Steak slice l!!!

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Cornish pastie

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A cornish pastie from Greggs is a travesty…


There was a Cornish pasty bakery in York that used to open late on a Friday night. Post club Cornish pasty was a nice change from a kebab.

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Ah, the best late night food was when I was working night shifts in Finchley at Demon Towers. We’d go over to the local Chinese ten minutes before closing time and order a house special, and get everything they would otherwise have had to throw away.


Greggs, Bradford station, only place open as I walked for my train. Options were slim, being late in the day, so I bought what at first glance seemed passably like a sausage roll.

I am still haunted by the texture and taste of that oleaginous flake-encrusted glistening pinkness, the single most awful food I ever recall eating. The popularity of Greggs baffles me


Like Maccies, it’s cheap, fast and everywhere.

At this point, good is optional.

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low whistle
Damn that is a fine word. Thank you!


Has anyone else had anything “humorous” from work/ their industry?

I f**"ing hate April fool’s day


One or two, but nothing particularly good this year.

Immediately annoyed when I opened a StackOverflow page this morning.

No, but the roguelikes discord has been renamed rougelike, and the “eternal guardian” bot that normally corrects the misspelling is now trying to enforce it.

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I saw a post saying Dante Virtual Soundcard was no longer supported on Apple products, and someone is the big boardgame chat/selling group was ‘selling’ Ark Nova and Battlestar Galactica for £20 each

Luckily, I don’t work fridays.
So we talked last night about how we both hate surprises and please no dumb jokes.

So this morning my sister messaged, it was snowing in Brittany (where she lives). And I am like “yeah, and (my partner) is awake” (he’s famously sleeping long)… turns out it was really snowing.

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I feel like this timeline is kinda wild right now that April Jokes will inevitably be lacklustre.



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April Fool?