I started from Swansea and walked around to Oxwich Bay in the Gower
I just walked upstairs to get some coffee, and the bbc world service announced “researchers have discovered that hippos can become briefly airborne “. I, of course, thought immediately of catapults and African swallows, but sadly, they meant while running.
When I saw the headline my thoughts immediately went to Pablo Escobar’s hippo herd, and what a cool band name Pablo Escobar’s Flying Hippos would be, were I not forty years too old to be starting a band.
Given the politics going on this year, I’m trying to work out whether its a good thing that we don’t have the ‘Thunderdome’ area any more - politics can get pretty vicious
I thought ours was pretty tame, compare to 2017 and 2019 and Brexit Ref. It was a historic one but tame.
I’m not unalterably opposed but I tend to feel there are a lot of other places to discuss politics these days. Also, if any of you turned out to favour That Faction (not saying which) I’d be sad.
I know we’re friends, Roger, but I will not tolerate any Count Binface slander!!
Especially with election leaflets featuring maths by Matt Parker!
I’m just glad that people in my constituency exercised their right to vote (turnout of 75%). It’s a shame it was so low elsewhere.
I left my iPhone on the train yesterday. I realized as I got off the train that I didn’t have both my phones (one mine, one ork’s), but I was with my wife and daughter, and couldn’t dive back to get it. In a bit of amazing luck, it had fallen out of my pocket, and ended up in weird ledge behind and under the seat (it was a seat the folds up, so a wheelchair can strap in). And it rode the Red Line from Howard to 95th, back and forth, for 16 hours.
the hiding spot: hard to see it, even if you know it’s there.
250 is comfortably into “massive”, I’d say.
Then what word describes @pillbox’s collection? “Gargantuan?”
Massive would do fine, I think.
To a Layman owning more than 10 is massive
especially if you get the special edition depleted uranium meeples.
Step #1: bribe the ethics department
About to visit England for the first time in years, and it’s weird to realize that the only way I had of contacting old friends was Facebook, but since I got booted from Facebook that’s no longer an option. Focus has to be family anyway, so not a huge deal, but still an unpleasant realization.