Oath PBF companion thread, for rules questions and the like

This doesn’t work, because you do not rule the salt flats, the bandits do, so it is not a minor action to move Warbands there.

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Argh. I need to sit with the rulebook and work things out, which I may not have time to do today. Apologies for my slowness


Can you implement bandit tokens for the module? Although everyone will probably only forget this once :slight_smile:

Exactly. I mean, I could, but they just get in the way for normal play.

I made the same bandit mistake but it is something you pick up quickly.

“One favor from each bank” is insufficiently specific. There are 5 banks with favor on them. But with this set of instructions I would assume you leave the favor on Arcane.

The spirit snare trade would ordinarily get you 2 favor (1+1), but Arcane only has one favor left on it, so it would only get you one. Better perhaps to save the supply and just use the Spirit Snare minor action?

Anyway, that may affect your whole turn, so I won’t make any assumptions.

Yes, that’s fine, forget the move.

OK, just let me know when you post an edit.

Also, to everyone, but especially @COMaestro : this is totally a point where you can reasonably interject to say something like "if @Lordof1 does nothing about it and just dumps the usurper problem in my lap, I will allow the usurper to win, so I suggest we share the responsibility by… "

This is a game where negotiation is allowed, and passing the buck is an aggressive move (@Whistle_Pig was best-placed to do something about it, and already passed the buck, and again that is an aggressive move and could have been a moment for negotiation - “if you want any chance at holding onto your empire…”).

Of course, this is also just how I would play, and not everyone is open to or accepting of “table-talk”. If you all prefer playing with forced moves due to seating order, that’s also a valid way to approach the game.

(Apologies to @GeeBizzle for stirring the pot - I’m totally happy for you to win early, but negotiation is a topic I think needed to be aired.)

NB: Such player to player negotiation should take place in the game thread, if it is to be done. Discussion on whether it should be done at all is for this thread.


Question: rules say if an Exile rules the most sites, they get the Oathkeeper tile. What happens in the event of a tie? I am guessing it stays with the current player?

That is correct.

In our current situation, if Blue gained two sites, nothing would change. If Yellow lost a site, the Chancellor would have most and become Oathkeeper. If Blue gained two sites and Yellow lost two in the same campaign, Blue and Chancellor would be tied, and Yellow would have to choose whether the Chancellor or Blue became Oathkeeper.

I was just about to ask if the Chancellor could get it back. Rules specifically state “if an Exile rules the most sites” and does not mention the Chancellor, so I was wondering about that.

Rules only mention player as far as I can see. There’s no distinction between Chancellor and Exile for claiming Oathkeeper.

Page 9 of the Playbook:

The Exiles
An Exile can become the Oathkeeper,
but they must become the Usurper to win.
If an Exile rules the most sites, they take the Oathkeeper title
from its current holder. If they ever start their turn as the
Oathkeeper, their title flips to Usurper.

That is all I noticed in regards to the Oathkeeper tile, but maybe there is more elsewhere. Hard to read on my phone.

Ah, the Playbook is fine for the playthrough and to get the gist of the game, but it is not “the rules” and doesn’t work as a reference.

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Makes sense. I could not find the rules online, just the Playbook and a reference sheet.

This is the one I’m using:


Also linked here:


Bizarrely, not on the Leder Resources page.

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Which is where I got the two files I did find, I believe.

Is it that the chancellor can become oathkeeper but it won’t flip to usurper?

Also I am only kidding I have no issue with being stopped in fact I want to see how campaigns work.