No Pun Included's Board Game of the Year 2022


I haven’t watched the video but the board game stole Efka’s hair.


Now I want “the best game you will never play” to be Efka sitting on the floor and playing with the hair, whilst giggling and/or singing a little song about hair.


That video is so weird.


I think it has to do with what they posted on Patreon that one of them “broke their face” (I now think it must be Elayne where previously I thought it was Efka) and that they had a script written for the video and that now didn’t work anymore with only one of them. And this was only whatever they were able to salvage. I think these videos are a ton of work and it must be quite difficult to adapt that script… I have no idea. Maybe it is just a weird video.

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There are other weirdness

It feels like a normal review video for guards of Atlantis 2 but framed under the game of the year thing but there’s a rug pull at the end which makes one question the point. Having said that if there was an accident you can see how the video could have made more sense.

I think some of the criticisms of the art felt a bit reachy too. Like I get the male gaze crit but then the next one is literally not male gaze but criticise that it’s a military uniform and the next one is a guy with a name that sounds like a word. Maybe there’s some holisitic point but it felt scattergun and weak to deprive the game of game of the year if they were going to give the game the lions share of the video in their game of the year video.


Reachy criticisms summarises NPI for me whether the subject is social issues or the gameplay


The thing that most puts me off about the game is that it is unavailable, I know nobody who would consider buying it if it were and … I rarely play team games (except Codenames). It looks like a huge investment in both time and money and doesn’t play solo which would be an important requirement if I were to invest in it …

Mostly, the games they’ve been reviewing have been uninteresting to me for a variety of reasons. It’s mostly huge costly stuff I don’t have the resources for in time and space either. But that seems to be the NPI niche for now.


More videos from NPI focused on very expensive games right when everyone’s tightening their belts. Can’t help feel that’s not a great decision, but maybe that’s just me.


It did make me realise how much I’d got used to holding my nose when it comes to fighting games about the male gaze over sexualised women art. Battlecon had it for sure, many miniature games do so. I think somewhere along the line I’d gone from seeing it and tutting but liking ganeplay to just accepting it. That makes me a little sad tbh.




I mostly avoid male-gazey game art, but Sentinels of the Multiverse, well, it’s imitating superhero comics. Real shame; I can’t see how they could have done it differently, but at the same time I wish they’d managed.

I think the point about the other stuff was “that does look kind of like an SS cap, and then SS cap plus trenchcoat goes together” and “sounds like Aryan” - the point being not that the designer did this deliberately, but that when a bunch of these things line up in the same game you end up saying “try this game, but ignore the triggering art, and ignore the weird name, and ignore the depictions of women, and…”