LEGO Stuff! With LEGOs!

Okay, so I’m assembling sets in order to start shooting (the video is broken up into three main locations: Tournament Field, Archery Field, and Market). This will require me to assemble a bunch of stalls for merchants, some bleachers/stands for the audience plus a viewing box for the Duchess and Count, and obviously some assorted other stuff.

I’ve got rudimentary bleachers assembled and 3 little stalls, but for everything else… I think I’m gonna need to organize my LEGO. I currently have about 20 ziplock bags of different sized pieces, but that’s a suboptimal way to find specific things…

I’ll have to see if I can get something like a screw-sorting-drawer thing. My collection isn’t huge, but I have a lot of stuff I need to disassemble in order to be able to easily find the stuff I want to use in order to build sets…

I dunno. Maybe I’ll just muddle through this movie and then organize for the next? I’ll think about it.

Anyone have suggestions on good sorting solutions for a reasonably large LEGO collection of pieces?

I’ve been storing my legos by set in small plastic bins, but I am also finding that suboptimal for finding pieces when needed. I’ve started sorting the non-set pieces (extras, a couple random buckets of bricks, etc.) in the screw organizer kind of things for small pieces and small plastic bins for larger pieces and even that much has been a daunting task. I keep debating organizing everything by parts, but it would take me months.

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38 posts were merged into an existing topic: Mottainai or The Language Discussions


I bought some bead boxes for organizing my smaller LEGO, and gosh, my collection is a lot larger than I thought. I think I managed to get most of the small plates (1x1s up to 1x2s) organized, but that barely put a dent in the collection.

For the bricks themselves, I think I’m going to have to use one of the linked Akro-Mils. Maybe two. I’m gonna order those right now.

I’m also building the new Viking Village (which is amazing thus far), and sets for the movie (at this point mostly merchant stalls for the opening narration and for a few of the action scenes… ooh, that reminds me, I need to build a Barrel Seller stall). Pictures soon!


Shop around. Prices on these is pretty varied, some I see locally for less than Amazons prices. But others are cheaper online.


Some kind moderator might select a bunch of posts and move them to Mottainai or The Language Discussions (sorry, no time to do it myself just now).


It is done.


Just the start of a very, very long journey to organizing my collection…

Two tray thingies should be in today, but I am a little sick and working an 11 hour shift, so… not getting started immediately.

But soon!


Got some Minecraft Lego for the boy, and I’m low key impressed by how it’s organised these days. Five bags, so we can pace it over five days, and the first bag leads with the minifig, then into boring structure, and closes out with some portals (or whatever they are, I’m not that familiar with the scene) to spike his interest just as he’s flagging. I assume the other bags are similarly paced.


The battle continues!


My Christmas present is coming along nicely.


Huh. I didn’t know they did plain, totally normal transport trucks with nothing unusual or strange about them as a LEGO set.



But wait. What’s that?

Oh, it’s Optimus Prime!


I have mostly finished organizing my LEGO, and so Andy and I assembled the last set I picked up: Eldorado Fortress.

Fantastic set. 10/10, no edits, would assemble again.


My 11-year-old niece and I put together one of her Christmas presents yesterday. She did the building. I mostly found the pieces for her next step and served as a technical consultant when she had difficulty.


I admit I love the Middle Earth map + Lego pirates combo


My boy’s first Lego creation. This is “Huggy Wuggy” a YouTube horror character.


Yesterday I decided that I needed to do something with my hands lest I spend all day doom scrolling:

Of course, I had “help”.


Working on Christmas Disney Lego with the daughter and this vanishing staircase was a real winner for her: