Legacy Episodes - The King is Dead (Second Edition)



Wow, have we got an episode for you. Not only are we travelling in time (thematically, not literally)… not only are we discussing the Lithuanian word for ‘yuk’…not only are we escaping a rabbit hole…but we’re also having an argument. Actually, more than one. And Efka says the word ‘fart’ at some point too. What more could you want?

NPI News ( 03:02 )

Games We’ve Been Playing ( 06:15 )

Tellstones: King’s Gambit ( 06:35 )

Root Digital ( 19:03 )

The Loop: Dr. Foo Strikes Back… Back… Back… ( 24:41 )

Glasgow ( 39:34 )

Mariposas ( 49:21 )

Efka Grumps About a Game ( 1:05:51 ) Meta Narratives

Elaine Ungrumps a Board Game ( 1:12:39 )

Puzzle Deduction one and done Escape Room segment ( 1:17:30 ) In Pursuit of the White Rabbit

Feature Review - The King is Dead - Second Edition ( 1:30:51 )

You can find Elizabeth Hargrave’s website at: https://www.elizhargrave.com/