Jamey Stegmaier has made a video about my small 5 year old card game I only printed 500 copies of

Well that was an unexpected thing to get linked to this morning. The first game I published, a daft small card game which was so money tight I handmade the boxes (which was silly, I actually bought pre-made boxes this year to sell the remaining copies). Old and completely unknown, despite my pride of it. And here it is:


I have a copy of Forks that I got in a maths trade :grin:


One variant my friend told me he played with is a simultaneous draft variant, which I can see being absurd chaos, if that sounds like fun.

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So, new crowdfunding project?

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Not unless it gets silly. Although I would like to do a whole bunch of new tiny micro campaigns for it, that’s a design space comparitively untouched (for good reason some might say)


I need to get this played. It’s embarassing that i havent :flushed::flushed:


Looks cool.

Might buy a copy.

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Oh, wow, this game sounds fun. Just bought a copy.

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Nice! I’m getting a copy sent to me byv the designer :slight_smile:


Managed to play my copy at a recent game night, it’s good fun. Definitely want to get it to the table again.


I’ve decided to get all new art and a new theme for it and go for another reprint. Through Kickstarter because that’s simply the best marketplace for games now*. This edition also plays up to 6 players because that player count works with simultaneous play, so we’ve upped the number of cards. If you can, please follow the game here to help us get more follows:

*If I had the time, money and webpage skills, I’d make a Kickstarter-like page but for games you could actually buy. Each newly released game would get two weeks on the front page, where publishers could post all the reviews, rules, pictures etc, and then people could ask questions leave comments and just buy the finished copy there and then with no delays, suprise fees etc.


Just got the new tiebreak cards done. That means the promo decks are all finally ready!


Looks great!

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