How are you today?

I was referring to 43-year-old Zangief Acacia vs 22-year-old Ryu Acacia.

But this is probably about three posts from being forked into “Tekeli Battle Royale,” which I think would work great with a March Madness style bracket and popular vote.


Between my current self and my former self? My current self has around two decades more training and a wider variety of attack ranges: My first black belt was in Olympic Tae Kwon Do, so long range (nothing but kicks), but I’ve since added Karate (medium range), Japanese Jiu-Jitsu (close quarters) and Brazilian JJ (ground).

The only edge my younger self has is athleticism, really, and that’ll go away the second I get him to the ground. And I got old man strength now, he ain’t getting back up. Not WHOLE, anyway. It’d look like King vs Hwoarang from Tekken, LOL.


I did some German two-handed sword fighting around… 15 years ago, maybe? It’s hell on the forearms, but it’s fun!


I was at a street fair several years ago, and a sword fighting studio were doing demos and such.

They had acontest to win a free lesson: pick up a great sword with one hand and move a ring from one pole to another. The guy running it made it look easy, but most people couldn’t even pick the point of the sword off the ground because it was so long. I could, but not with any control. I think the liminiting factor for me wasn’t arm strength, but grip strength to apply it.


I have an actress friend who casually picked up my replica of Narsil ( and held it out at arm’s length one handed, because she’d been doing stage combat rapier. I cannot and have never been able to even think about doing that :slight_smile:


With all the discussion of various peoples martial arts my mind went a different way.


May I ask where? Fiore is fun, but if you can find some German longsword to complement it with you can have a lot of fun. I’d recommend Meyer, but depending where you are in the UK you will likely go with whatever school they are feeding from.

That is interesting. It may look like a lot of strength, but it’s more building up the right muscles and right stamina. A rapier and a longsword have approximately the same weight, but a rapier has the weight distribution way closer to the hand.

So your body is lifting the same weight, but the weight being closer to the hand helps keeping that blade horizontally (and offering the point, which is the main threat on a rapier). A longsword like Narsil is nearly a greatsword, and it is not designed to offer the point so much as to cut, or do halfswording (with your off hand grabbing it half way up the blade) if in armored combat.

Nevertheless, a Narsil replica may not be the best example to compare with a XV century longsword, I know the props for the LOTR movies were very well designed, but I’ve held Narsil replicas in UK and NZ that were very overweight and felt clumsy in the hand (no taper on the blade profile, over heavy pommels…).


The thing they were using for this challenge was amazingly long, just a couple inches shorter than I am (I’m 6’). I’m not sure how much it weighed, but not a whole lot, less than 4 kilos. But it was very heavy towards the tip, and the leverage made it hard to control. Easy with a second hand, at the end, so you used one hand as a fulcrum.

To the point about it being training: there were a couple muscle dudes who couldn’t do it it at all, but a skinny teenager had no problems picking it up and grabbing the ring with it.


I bet the skinny teen was into bouldering or something.


I’ve never been hot and I’m ok with that! :slight_smile:


An old colleague of mine, on seeing an old picture of me, said “You were almost hot back in the day” (being 2007)

Sadly that’s one of the best compliments I’ve ever had in the past five years.


I have a prediction: We’re all going to be hot in the summer :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m hot every day, 'cause I’m wearing a back brace while I work. Super sexy.


I’m hot today because I totally misread the weather and wore a jumper to walk the dog. Sweating buckets in the humidity


I’ve always pictured you as Captain Falcon with a Scottish accent. To the extent that is accurate, you’re doing pretty well every damn day.


Me? Or did my message interrupt your reply! :slight_smile:


Yes, @Griffster77!

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I can’t imagine why!? Or is it the similarity between Judge Dredd’s helmet and Captain Falcon’s? Also, I’m Welsh but with an English accent! :slight_smile:


Yes, your Judge Dredd always triggers my Captain Falcon neurons.

Regarding the second, it wouldn’t be the first time I swapped out two people on here in my brain, or inferred something incorrectly in this text-only community. Do we have any scotsmen or scotswomen on here?

Welsh Captain Falcon is still aces in my book.


Yes plenty of Scotch people here I believe. A few of us Welshies about too