How are you today?

Job uncertainty is deeply horrible and I’m sorry you’re having to face that.

I went back to work today after a long period of sick leave, and am pretty exhausted after three hours’ work purging my inbox.


I think I agree with all of you that this is veering from the personal to the political.

Talking about myself, I attended a funeral last week. Which is the first time I have been in a room with 14 people I know probably this year. Beyond the obvious feelings it just felt alien to see so many people I knew.


I am so sorry to hear that the occasion for such a meeting was a sad one.


Thinking about it, I also received my first ever RPG royalty payment, so that’s a nice thing! I will, almost inevitably, spend it on another RPG product…

I’m sorry to hear that Ross.


Sorry to hear it, Ross. I will have a memorial to go to someday for an aunt who died in April. Going to the funeral was quite impractical.


Thanks all, in this case it was a blessed release, and afterwards we had the closest thing to a wake you can have these days, where the pub cleared out all the central tables and we could sit on our own individual tables in a massive ring.

Discussion quickly turned to a murder mystery party from the 90s that took 4+ hours and resulted in no one understanding who the murderer was.

My brother was not initially invited and when he objected my mother suggested he could play the corpse. I think the main downfall was one of the characters was called Herr Schnapz, a drink half the people involved hadn’t drink before that fateful night…


I’m glad you managed to have some sort of gathering afterwards, even if it was in a slightly odd format…


Agreed, but I don’t agree with the hard left either.

I’m actually a bit bummed from this week. I had a job offered to me back in July that was solving a lot of worries I had for next year (I would have been working at the pre-school where my kids are going! It was profesionnaly fulfilling and a way to address the real challenge of juggling me and my partner work life with our kids schedule).I was so flattered that they actually kind of seeked me out rather than me applying.
But this Wednesday, I had a meeting with them where they told me they could not afford a new staff, and offered me a worse position.
I still have my old job, but I am back with the worries I thought were solved. It’s a bit disheartening.


Sorry to hear this @Cokho, and a big hug to all those suffering in this pandemic fuelled job squeeze.


Is there any chance the ‘worse’ role is just what they can afford at the moment and they could back to the better role once finances are better?

Sorry to hear this. Hope it works out

My bright spot for the week is I began reading Wee Free Men to my daughter Monday night.

She woke up the next morning and among her first statements was, “I think you can grow a witch on chalk. Chalk is hard until you start writing with it.”

Later on and further into the book she said “I know why another world is invading. It is on the back of rhinos on the back of a unicorn and the unicorn is battling the turtle for territory. That’s where Jenny Greenteeth came from.”


I was in my first car accident couple days ago.
I was a parking lot. It had stop signs signs before leaving the lot and entering a lane l, when a truck started backing out towards me. I honked and honked but nothing. Couldn’t move since at a stop and traffic and they hit me.

I’m okay, maybe a bit stiff, possibly from stress/scared. The person told their insurance they accepted blame so at least getting it fixed should be simple. Just glad all parties are okay.


Hope you’re feeling a bit better now. From my own experience I know that even slow impacts can leave you with bruises and other injuries that take quite some time to recover from.


Isolating cos my wife has had a COVID test. So, I’ve got one of the biggest bits of business to deliver with the kids and home and wife in bed ill. Bugger.


How long do you have to wait for the results?
Can your business thing be delayed until you’ve got them?

Hope she’ll get better soon whatever it is.

Here they are debating quarantining people for any cold symptoms because our current measures aren’t cutting the numbers like everyone hoped.


Not really - its how recruitment works. A couple of days working around the kids won’t kill it, just an unfortunate start as only signed the contract on Friday! :slight_smile:


My wife has just got a job after eight years off (with some sporadic employment) to raise the kids, now we’re out that fog she smashed an interview and got a better contract than initially offered (full time vs part time). Immediately negotiated a temporary reprieve to part time as our youngest suffered a huge brain injury falling down the stairs about four weeks ago. He started back in school part time today, so we’d like to get him back in full time before we try this ‘two full time working parents’ thing.

Fortunately the organisation’s ‘family friendly’ policies were that and they are happy with the proposal. So there’s that that’s lifted our mood.


Wow, sorry to hear that!!