Good two-player games

I cannot believe Arboretum has not been mentioned. I know the game is 2-4 players, but at 2 it becomes another beast.


Yeah. Ashes is up there, but I’m too casual nowadays. The basic sets for Netrunner are approachable enough.

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One of the things I like about Ashes is that the community is very welcoming to filthy casuals like me.


I’m really struggling to get into ashes still. Play occasional games with friends but the maths are too… Transparent? Like a lot of cards are on a 1/2/3 scale, which naturally just brings out the optimisation numbers puzzle with zero feel of theme? The numbers never fade out to feel the game like other card games do.

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Hmm. I bookmarked that post overnight to write a better reply when I was awake, but I’m not sure I’ve got there yet. Possibly because I’m still mostly exploring the precons rather than delving into the actual construction part, I’m not getting the same feeling - when I tried the last of the core precons I hadn’t played (at Airecon against @Lordof1), Saria Guideman, I got a very strong impression from looking through the cards that this was the style I was meant to play in with this deck.


My friends and I have been playing the basic constructed sets that are floating around the internet. Forget what they’re called, but a fan has made several sets that provide the most decks out of a single playset of cards (that make for an interesting mini-meta within themselves). It does mean decks are cut down to a lower strength since the strongest cards can only make it into one or two decks, but it gives a good feel for something beyond precons whilst still being able to try a bunch of different heroes in a single afternoon.

EDIT: It’s called Adventuring Party:
(There’s a whole bunch of different sets if you Google ‘ashes adventuring party [1/2/3etc]’)


Yup, I think we’ll be trying those next time we get a chance.