General Asynch Recruiting Thread

Fantastic! I’ll need to read up on the rules. I hope I’ll be ready to play at the weekend.

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Anyone else for Yokohama?

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I want to say yes, but I worry I won’t enjoy it because I won’t know what I’m doing.

I’ll wait until Aire Con if that’s ok


I got through the rules and while I wouldn’t say that I’m ready, I am willing to get started.


Still adding stuff and updating the module regularly, we’ll use whatever I’m up to when you are both ready.


Hey gang. I’m stuck in teh Ginkgopolis game. Sorry but it seems like it’s game over. Putting this here instead of the BGA chat


I’ve suggested a mutual abandonment


Im ready for the game :+1:


Ethnos has just popped up in Alpha on BGA.

As has Spots

*edit - Ethnos is very buggy atm


Ooooo, I do love Ethnos. Not sue about asynch though. A lot of sign on, draw, sign off. Irl you are quickly building toward that bigger turn. Might be too slow?


Anyone want to join me and @Acacia for another game of Yokohama? I’m aiming not to let him pip me to the win by a single point this time :thinking:


We need to do Race for the Galaxy: Xeno Invasion. Who’s in? I think this is one of the formats that works well at higher player counts.

For those who haven’t played, the expansion looks fiddly but gets internalized very quickly. Nutshell:

  • First round there is a free, automatic Settle action. Don’t choose Settle the first round.
  • Otherwise, first two rounds play like base RFTG
  • Beginning in the third round, Xenos begin invading. Each player gets dealt their own invasion card based on military strength - the player with the highest military gets the strongest invasion, lowest military gets the weakest invasion, etc.
  • If your personal military is stronger than the invasion, you fend them off and get some VP. If not, you flip over one of your worlds and it is essentially blanked.
  • Repairing worlds (flipping them back to face up) is fairly easy, ignoring the invasion and focusing on economy is a perfectly viable strategy.
  • You can always contribute to the war effort during consume, which is turning in goods for 1 VP (like a free consume ability).

Some new game end conditions:

  • If the total military of all players reaches a certain threshold, the Xenos are completely defeated and the game ends immediately.
  • If all players lose to the Xenos (fail to defend) TWICE during the game, the Xenos win and the game ends immediately.
  • End game gives 5vp to whoever has the strongest military, 5vp to whoever “contributed to the war effort” (see above) most, and the extra vp you get for each successful defense against the Xenos

That skirts some details but it’s 90% of it and enough to learn the rest on the go.

Haven’t played this expansion before but I’m interested in trying it.

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I had fun in the couple base games I played with Captbnut, so I’d be up for trying this out.


I’d make up a 4


Can I be 5th???


I knew you or Ben would show up. Let’s do this!

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Unlikely I’ll show between 1 am and 5 am. I do enjoy the game though, and could be in next time.


Note that choosing settle in the first round is a totally viable choice if you want the bonus and don’t want to give other players any other phase.


Oh, also, contribution to the war effort is at the start of the production phase, not consume.

(this introduces a new engine, the production-only engine, which is reliable and fairly strong, but supports everyone else’s produce and/or consume engine)