I first started producing RPG material for my friends in hand writing (which was slow and not especially legible) and using an electric typewriter, in the 1980s. Then I got access to Macintoshes and a Laserwriter in 1987. In those early days of layout with WriteNow and Superpaint we all had good eyesight, but operating the laser printer to make photocopy masters seemed expensive. So it was my habit to lay out my text in 12-point Times or Galliard on the Macintosh screen, but to print it at 80%, 70%, or even 60% to get more type on the page. I have an old thing here, an encyclopaedia for my defunct fantasy setting Gehennum, which has 73,000 words on a shade fewer than 63 pages of tightly-leaded 7.2-point Times.
These days the constraints are different. I am composing my Flat Black material using Apple Pages, from which I can export it both as PDF and as re-flowable EPUB, and I am distributing it almost entirely over the Internet. A few of my readers may be printing out my PDFs (which for the Americans means having the text slightly mis-centred on US letter paper), but I think that most of them are reading the material on screens. What indications I have are that PDF is more popular than EPUB yet, but I expect that to change as EPUB-reading software for laptop and notebook computers proliferates. Either way, I am reconsidering my layouts.
My custom at present is to lay out text in two columns on A4 letter paper. I use Times New Roman because I like serif fonts for body text and because it is built in to PDF and EPUB readers, saving the overhead of embedding a font. If I use type larger than 12-point it seems huge and cartoonish, but with full-width lines of 12-point type on letter pages the sweep is too wide to read comfortably. (Letter paper is wider than is truly good for books – 5"×8" trade paperback is as big as pages of text ought to go — but letter paper is what everyone feeds their printers). So I lay out text in two columns. However, with the smallest margins and gutter that I feel comfortable with, 12-point Times New Roman in two columns is okay in ragged right, but too large to justify pleasingly. And readers complain about ragged right. So I use 11-point.
So there I am with 11-point Times New Roman in two columns of justified text on letter pages. And really not confident that it is a good choice. Two-column layouts just aren’t good to read on a screen. And I think my text is mostly being read on screens.
The EPUB is less of a problem. It gets converted to single-column anyway, and if my 11-point fonts are perhaps smaller than ideal, users are supposed to feel free to over-ride default font sizes anyway. Do they, though? Or do they stay in 11-point and grumble about it? Unfortunately Pages doesn’t do relative point sizes in its styles, so changing the font size before exporting the EPUB isn’t as trivial as it ought to be.
The PDF, though! Is double columns of 11-point Times New Roman even a little bit fit for purpose? What ought I to do instead?