In our seventh episode, Lee and Roger talk about games we’ve been playing (and demonstrate that our title is true).
Among the games we’ve played, we mentioned:
- The Quacks of Quedlinburg (1:11)
- Port Royal
- GeekUp bit set for Quacks
- Automobiles
- Onirim
- Sylvion (10:01)
- Hornet Leader
- Tobago (26:00)
- Treasure Island
- Cryptid
- Terraforming Mars
- Star Realms
- Castellion (35:18)
- Railroad Ink
- NMBR 9
In “What We Thought About”, we mentioned
- Heroes of Tenefyr (50:26)
- Apex Theropod
- Abyss
- Flamme Rouge (56:21)
- Downforce
- Rallyman GT
Main theme: Coffee Stains , Riot
Interstitial music: Come On In , Silent Partner