Efka's Top Ten Games of All Time

  • SideCon - Played it but not enough. But I heard how deep the negotiation is from Geekbuddies

  • Dune Imperium Uprising - played the OG. It was rather meh.

  • El Grande - classic area control

  • Earthborne Rangers - never played beyond the demo. I found it very cute!

  • Age of Innovation - I need more plays but has potential to be the best of the 3.
    Age of Innovation
    Terra Mystica
    Gaia Project

  • GWT - standard boiler plate Euro

  • Ra - not the best Knizia. But I found that people who love Ra are people who hate auctions because it’s hard for them to grasp the opaqueness of the better auction games.

  • Feast for Odin - felt that Fields of Arle is better, but would love to see more plays of AFFO

  • Concordia Venus - I thought this is a nice twist to OG Conc with its team gameplay. But Concordia is just too easy to calculate for me nowadays with the potential winners/losers are pretty much determined at early game.

  • Heat - Alright. This is a pretty cool game, I have to say, now that I get to play this more.