Curating a game collection

I did the whole Marie Kondo thing. It worked. Amazing! But to make it better, I modified the question to: if I lost/sold my entire collection, which ones will I buy again 100%? (And which ones will be below 100%?)

It is intriguing when some games in my collection went <100%. Some are 90% where it is I’m not buying this first but it’ll be nice to purchase it once I have this, this, and this. Nice to know that I can sell these when the time comes.

Have you tried it? Look at your shelf and see which ones you’ll “buy again no question about it”. WIth the assumption that you can get it again through different ways.



I think I’m holding onto a lot of games because I’m not playing them. Quite a few I think I would want to play 5-10 times then I’ve probably had my fill. Until then, they can sit there doing no harm. Fingers crossed we can blitz some once all returns.

I sometimes go all Plato with hypothetical fires or the “what if I dated someone who hated boardgames?”. Could easily get down from 120 to 15-20 games I reckon.


I reckon 20. Plus a few that I would 100% buy something slightly different (Sagrada instead of Azul, Orleans instead of Altiplano)

Edit: of course, my husband would immediately replace a completely different set of games!


I’ve bought a good portion of my collection knowing that I wouldn’t get around to playing it in the near-term. That said, a good portion of my collection is unplayed and, as a result, an unknown value.

So when I look at my collection, I’m basically looking at a FLGS shelf with pricetags of $0 :wink: let’s just ignore the fact that the reason they are $0 is because I’ve already paid for them.


Fire sale, probably about 15 big boxes and 15 small ones. Problem is the ones I’d sell are the ones the small ones play with me.

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So I tentatively tagged my “Kondo Keepers” on geekgroup and arrived at 54 games instead of nearly 200. Among those 54 are

  • all my Cole Wehrle games
  • the whole of the West Kingdom Trilogy
  • two games I haven’t even received my copies of (BotC and Beyond the Sun–got a shipping notification for the latter today)
  • Hallertau and Nusfjord but not Feast for Odin and Arler Erde (I just received the expansion for the latter so maybe that will change my mind)
  • a few games I have barely played or not at all (Hansa Teutonica, Ra, Sidereal, Brass Birmingham, The Estates, Decrypto)

I am not sure if that would make for a rounded collection and for some games I am definitely unable to make an informed decision and yet see that last bullet point, I feel like I can decide for a few games after just studying the rules or playing a few turns or a trial game.

Some games didn’t make it because friends have them (7 Wonders, I’d rebuy Duel though) and others didn’t make it because my partner actively dislikes them (very sad about Innovation).

Some are in there for nostalgia more than anything else (I can’t not own Robo Rally) others are my personal classics/favorites (Spirit Island, Terra Mystica).

I am glad though I do not have to shrink down the collection that much but it is a very useful thought experiment :smiley:


Feeling this.


I know I’m a bit down at the moment, so it’s probably the wrong time to answer this, but I genuinely think if I lost all of my games then the only thing I’d 100% need is a deck of cards and paper and a pencil.

There are games I love and would miss for many reasons, but I don’t think I could honestly say 100% I would have to own them again immediately.


Sorted out the big games shelves, solved the issue of overflowing by dedicating more space to the games as I’m not in any financial difficulty (in fact I’m in a better position since my wife was made permanent at her job today) so why get rid if they bring me joy?


Sorted the small games too now, removed a shelf and piles higher. Those shelves are Ikea’s finest particle board and a good 10 mil thick