Call of Cthulhu: The Curse of the Kharisiri

It’s 1921. An eccentric nutter is starting an expedition to a pyramid full of GOLD, and he wants us to help. What could possibly go wrong?


Session 01 - Very Very Carefully Examining Something Else: Two toffs and a pilot go to Bolivia. This is sure to end well.

Session 02 - Better Out Than In: Our new allies are surprised at how calmly we take things. So are we.

Session 03 - Happy Birthday: We take a flight, then decide that it’s time to confront the obvious bad guy. It doesn’t go entirely as planned.

Session 04 - An Englishman’s Crack Pipe Is His Castle: We set off to deal with the scourge of the local countryside. Do we seek fame? No! Fortune? Well, maybe a bit.

Session 05 - We’re Well Beyond Eyeballs: We delve into the mysteries of the pyramid, and vow to go on a low-fat diet when we get home.

This concludes The Curse of the Kharisiri, but we may continue with the greater adventure at some point…

For the next chapter, see Call of Cthulhu: Masks of Nyarlathotep 2 (New York)


Toff? How dare you, Sir! I am but a humble grafting photographer, your honour.

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That is a great start. No messing about at the Orne Library or the Bibliotheque Nationale. Just straight into trouble. Is it an original scenario, @Lordof1?

No, it’s published, I’ll reveal more at the end…

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Thank you for another session of terror and accents. Perhaps I’ve watched Casablanca too recently but I thought I heard Peter Lorrie’s influence at one point.

Pishtaco and Viracocha are neat legends. I appreciate your introducing them. One weird bit I noted reading around is that Virachoa is also Con-Tici. Which became Kon-Tiki for Thor Heyerdal’s expedition. The Kon-Tiki book fascinated me as a child and contributes to my enjoyment of expedition mythos adventures like this.

Looking forward to the rest.


You despise me, don’ you, Reek?


No need to be paranoid, Nick.

Although obviously: yes.

Session 02 - Better Out Than In: Our new allies are surprised at how calmly we take things. So are we.


Session 03 - Happy Birthday: We take a flight, then decide that it’s time to confront the obvious bad guy. It doesn’t go entirely as planned.


The statement does suggest, y’know, a plan.

We were expecting a thing to happen, at which point there was a thing we were going to do. That was the plan. The thing didn’t happen…

Something something oranges something.

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Via Stefan Jones on Twitter:


Session 04 - An Englishman’s Crack Pipe Is His Castle: We set off to deal with the scourge of the local countryside. Do we seek fame? No! Fortune? Well, maybe a bit.

There may be a pause in uploads next week - I’ll be away at Essen.

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Hope you have a good time there

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They didn’t think much of the decor. Or the corpses.

I’ve seen worse in the War. I’ve done worse in the War.

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I’ve avoided worse in the war.


Session 05 - We’re Well Beyond Eyeballs: We delve into the mysteries of the pyramid, and vow to go on a low-fat diet when we get home.


Was it really only five episodes?

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