Care to say which outsider?
I want to point out, that first night info people, don’t have to come out right now, remember, when it doesn’t matter if you die, the Imp will not kill you and will more likely target inportant roles.
Assuming that @RossM and I are telling the truth about our roles of course
So, if we have one claimed Outsider (@Chewy77), a Librarian claiming one of two other people are an Outsider (@COMaestro or @Lordof1), that would imply at least two Outsiders, so we should have one more and thus a Baron. To my knowledge, I am not an Outsider, but I could be Drunk. We need to see what @Lordof1 says.
From a meta game point of view a baron seems likely.
@Najim whispers to @Whistle_Pig
Now it’s been confirmed by @Whistle_Pig I can reveal my information.
One out of Assussanni and Whistle_Pig is the Librarian
@KIR2 whispers to @Whistle_Pig
@lordof1 whispers back to @whistle_pig totally innocently
I am the Recluse. To clarify: I am not evil. I’m just drawn that way.
I was just typing out if you would confirm that you are an Outsider or not. Thanks!
I’d be inclinded to believe that @whistle_pig is the bookworm they say they are, as they correctly indentified me as evil. I mean, incorrectly. But correctly incorrectly.
@Lordof1’s claim to be the recluse matches the information that I received at the beginning of the game
Actually, the Librarian just detects that one out of two people is an Outsider. No alignment involved. You may be thinking of the Empath, which @GabrielH is claiming to be, who detects if one or both of their neighbors are Evil, or the Investigator who knows that one of two players is a particular Minion.
Ok, between all of us either confirming the role or their results it’s probably possible to confirm WP as legit.
Ahh, okay. Fair point. I mean I’m not evil even though I look it. But I am an outsider. Totally. So that suggests both @Whistle_Pig and myself are on the level. Definitely.
Agreed. And I think we can either safely assume a Baron, or that Evil is capitalizing on the possibility to claim Outsider roles. Well, not @Lordof1, unless he, @Whistle_Pig and you are all working together.
@Chewy77 - So, are you the Saint, or the Butler?
Hi all. Looks like I’m the last to check in? I don’t have much to say except that: (1) I am a townsfolk, not an outsider and (2) I received information during the first night.
The information I do have doesn’t shed any light on the Empath situation I’m afraid. I started listing out the possibilities for what could be going on over there but it turns out there are way more than I expected!