Starting to get a little rockier. Ticket to Ride is of course highly marketable and hugely successful but I feel it is the weakest game of its genre and time, among the likes of Catan and Carc.
Caylus I’d argue against more for personal reasons, I didn’t enjoy playing it and found a few scripted strategies to be easy to fall into. It felt like a rough draft, there’s recipe fulfillment, expanding worker spaces, competition for turn order - not sure if it innovated any of those? But I never felt it came together well. Yeah, it’s mean, but in a third grade shove you in the mud way, there’s no art or genius to its meanness.
Twilight Struggle as well. Sure it’s a monster in past popularity but as far as I know it didn’t invent card driven war. It captured a moment in time and was popular for a time. It certainly would go on a list of candidates, not sure I’d vote for it.
None of these are obviously terrible choices. Pretty defensible really. They definitely feel, to me, a tier below the 10 that came before.
Regarding Puerto Rico I certainly would have expected it. On the other hand, there’s not really been a ton of lead/follow games to come after it. I’m always surprised how little it’s been duplicated or expanded on. Not zero, but not like worker placement or deckbuilding. It could be theme as well, I can see the social risk of nodding a game that offends.
Cosmic Encounter
El Grande
Tigris & Euphrates
Power Grid
Ticket to Ride
Twilight Struggle
All seem like solid picks to me, though I haven’t played a few of them. Only two (Tigris & Euphrates and Twilight Struggle) are current personal favourites of mine, but that’s hardly relevant.
(Currently) Own: Cosmic, Magic, Ra, Carcassonne, TTR (a variant), RftG
Not played: Diplomacy, Acquire, Civlization, 1830 & Caylus. I did always mean to try Caylus… I think friends own it.
I have played the others, though except for MtG, Catan (once upon a time), Carcassonne on the table as well as Ticket to Ride, Through the Ages, Dominion & RftG in digital versions, the others I have played were only once or twice.
Through the Ages (digitally)
Race for the Galaxy
7 Wonders
Previously Owned:
Power Grid
Ticket to Ride
The Castles of Burgundy
I’m not sure that I’ve ever even heard of Caylus. Maybe whenever I’ve come across references to it I’ve conflated it with Cyclades, both of which my brain sees as “words beginning with C that have no meaning to me”.
Given the BGG comments, I also feel compelled to say that I own a copy of Puerto Rico.