Antiquity, the most ridiculous game to PBF, beginners-only game recruitment and discussion

IIRC woodland clears to farm land.

If I farmed 19-20, and then cleared 20-20 in the harvest phase, would my farmer be able to work 20-20 in a future turn without having to build a new farm?

I assume not, because this game is not that nice

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You assume correctly. All goods are placed on building, and you won’t get any extra.



Just to check - if I build a stone mine 20-18 - will I get stone from 19-17 and 20-17 (outside ZOC but adjacent) - looking at the woodcutter in the top corner I assume so. Also, will I get stone from 21-18 (uncovered explorer token)?

Yes, and yes.

Hexes with/without explorer tokens are no different from any other hexes.

Hmm… That could potentially be more useful (as if I know what I’m doing)


What can I build on pollution?

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Cities, Inns, Fisheries. No penalty for doing so.


Wow. Looks like Famine is brutal on a 4 player game with more exploration

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What happens if I can’t place pollution?

You place graves instead.


Yeah, the one big downside of my preferred no-exploration start is how much pressure it takes off the other players. One day I’m going to try a high-speed exploration strategy - expand and ramp up the famine as fast as possible.

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I’ve got one more turn before I run out of wood?

Currently, you have one wood, you’ll harvest one more wood this turn, and one more wood next turn.

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Map views without cubes in the way are available on request. Perhaps I should just post both?

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4/4 builds received.

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Can you flip building tiles, or only rotate them when building in your city?

Only rotate.


To build a fisherman, do I give the hex location of the water, or the shore?

Both hexes of the fishery itself. There is no choice of where the goods go.

For example: “25-18, 25-19 pearls”

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