Antiquity, the most ridiculous game to PBF, beginners-only game recruitment and discussion

The cart shops are reusable - if a cart shop is manned, that man will build something in the countryside build phase. So, to build a sheep farm, you just need to man a cart shop and have a sheep available next phase. The “seed” (cost) is the sheep (not wood), and you will place sheep on the centre hex and all adjacent grassland hexes for subsequent harvesting.


3/4 builds received.

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Are we still waiting on someone?

Yes, and AFAIK they haven’t forgotten about it.

Here’s that problem I warned you about last turn. If you build the stone mine there in the countryside build phase, the exploration token is discarded, and no longer there when we get to the exploration phase. So, what do you want to do about this?

No, you did not man your harbour, IIRC.

If only I had some way of remembering things from turn to turn… :thinking:

I guess I will lose the explorer, and serves me right for not paying attention :grin:

You could build the stone mine on 4-17. Trade 1 stone in 4 turns time for a food/wine right now.

I didn’t.

Oh well

IIRC woodland clears to farm land.

If I farmed 19-20, and then cleared 20-20 in the harvest phase, would my farmer be able to work 20-20 in a future turn without having to build a new farm?

I assume not, because this game is not that nice

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You assume correctly. All goods are placed on building, and you won’t get any extra.



Just to check - if I build a stone mine 20-18 - will I get stone from 19-17 and 20-17 (outside ZOC but adjacent) - looking at the woodcutter in the top corner I assume so. Also, will I get stone from 21-18 (uncovered explorer token)?

Yes, and yes.

Hexes with/without explorer tokens are no different from any other hexes.

Hmm… That could potentially be more useful (as if I know what I’m doing)


What can I build on pollution?

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Cities, Inns, Fisheries. No penalty for doing so.


Wow. Looks like Famine is brutal on a 4 player game with more exploration

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What happens if I can’t place pollution?

You place graves instead.