"AI" generated picture thread (mostly "guess the forum member")

I’ll throw the third image into the mix. Again edited to remove giveaway text:

Is it optimuspyro?

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Not optimuspyro.


Not Robot_Maria.

There is a common thread in the images, and I think the order in which I posted the images makes it increasingly obvious*.

(* relatively speaking)

Are the images based on just the forum name, or also the subtitle?

Just the forum name, unadorned and unadulterated.

MikeimusPrime or BigJackBrass?

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No and no.

Last of the 4 images, again edited to remove giveaway text. This one biases towards a different spin on the username from what I think the other three images were mainly going for, but again, there is a common thread.

Mine is amazing. Is it ok if I change my avatar to it?

What site are you using?


Is it @BigJackBrass ?

Or have I missed @giantblueeyes?

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Glad you like it!

I’m using Microsoft’s Dall-E image “creator”.

And no, not either of those. Though I totally see where people are going with BigJackBrass.

Hmmm, the first image had me thinking RossM or superjaz. Maybe the second and third could be “super” and the fourth could be “jazz”… so is it superjaz?

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Not superjaz.

I’ve never been sure where even I’m going with Big Jack Brass.


I always needed a hype man.

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But maybe a Co-Maestro?

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My final guess is wiredmaverick, although I don’t think it fits the second picture at all. The picture generator seems obsessed with putting people in suits and ties (or uniform), and the first two pictures are going to significant pains to include both cars and buildings. And every picture is featuring either a video game character, or something which would pass for one. I really haven’t the foggiest how it all connects.

(And if it’s a Co-Maestro… it crossed my mind earlier for the “Co-” part, but I’d rejected it on the same basis as my Punxsutawney Phil notion – i.e. if you give it the word “Maestro” and that’s where it decides to go with it, then what hope do we have?)

This is a lot like playing Mysterium btw – I’m staring at all these pictures, saying things to myself like “Oh, they all have glowing blue eyes… that must be a clue!” and knowing it’s probably irrelevant. And then: “The Bluest of Skies” sounds a lot like “The Bluest of Eyes”! Except we know it’s not that…


We have a winner!

It does indeed look like it interpreted COMaestro as co-master and CO (chief officer) master, giving the two main themes of having a big dude helping you out, and important people in suits/uniform/lab coat. I wouldn’t be surprised if “maestro” → Italian → Mario was a weird weak link it made too. Please note I did not insert a hyphen into the prompt!

Here’s “yashima the bluest of skies”

And the next one I had lined up:


This is the most straightforward so far.

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