2025 Board Game Challenge!

I added another challenge last night. Well, less of a challenge and more of a reminder but… I feel like I have quite a few games that I bought with the purpose of playing them mostly solo and they don’t all hit the table for reasons so I made a geeklist and a BGStats 25x1 challenge.

This is mostly for big games. I will play the small ones anyway. It’s quite doable for the most part. Many of those will see my table anyway. But there are a few neglected ones that may need some prompting :slight_smile: 51st State, Septima, Terra Mystica Automa, Voidfall, Petrichor, Oceans Automa, Hallertau and the two monstrosities: Leaving Earth & Mage Knight.


I have played a solo fully expanded Leaving Earth. Once. I’d like to do it again…


I take some solace in the fact that a number of these games I did not actually purchase. I have won a couple of giveaways and received free games when attending conventions which accounts for at least 12 of these unplayed games. Then there are the random gifts from friends and family, which since I did not particularly ask for them are usually lower on my “to play” list than those I choose myself, which is around 11 games.

Though some real gems have come from those unasked for games, so I’m not knocking them. For example, that’s how I first got 7 Wonders, and it was very popular at our table for a while.


January’s progress:

Play my unplayed games
  • Agropolis
  • Akropolis
  • The British Way
  • Caverna: Cave Vs Cave
  • Factory Funner
  • Glass Garden
  • Gloomhaven: Buttons and Bugs
  • Hipparchus
  • In a Grove
  • Kabuto Sumo
  • Lock
  • Loot
  • Molly House
  • Pendulum
  • Ptolemy
  • Santorini
  • Twins
  • Undaunted 2200
  • Vegetable Stock
  • Wingspan: Asia
  • Wonder Bowling
  • Zoo Vadis
Alphabet challenge

A: Azul
B: Brass Brum
C: Concordia
E: Ecosystem
F: Flip 7
G: Ginkgopolis
H: Hiroba
I: It’s a Wonderful World
J: John Company 2E
N: No Thanks!
P: Piña Coladice
S: Sea Salt and Paper
W: Wonder Bowling

20 x 5

A bit arbitrary at the moment since I haven’t played many games more than once:

  • Piña Coladice 3/5
  • Forks 2/5 (@MarkSP please explain the name to me so I can answer the inevitable question when teaching the rules :pray:)
  • Heat 2/5
  • No Thanks! 2/5
  • Age of Steam 1/5
  • Azul 1/5
  • Bamboo 1/5
  • Brass: Birmingham 1/5
  • Bus 1/5
  • Concordia 1/5
  • Ecosystem 1/5
  • Flip 7 1/5
  • Ginkgopolis 1/5
  • Heckmeck 1/5
  • Hiroba 1/5
  • It’s a Wonderful World 1/5
  • John Company 1/5
  • Just One 1/5
  • Sea Salt and Paper 1/5
  • Wonder Bowling 1/5

I’ve decided not to allow plays on BGA for now, although I may change my mind later in the year :laughing:


Well, that is a very strong start to the year! Heat continues to impress as a racing game with a surprising amount of depth and variety, I’m still completely undecided on Arcs but I’m going to give it at least a few more kicks before I make up my mind, and I suspect I’m going to be getting a LOT of Battletech in before my trip to Adepticon in March.

A kickstarter I funded… gosh, a while back… finally arrived, and I managed to get it on the table almost immediately! Woo! Great, albeit super weird game… “Space Crokinole,” basically, but much like Catacombs (which I’ll be playing on Thursday!), way more depth and strategy than you would expect from a game where the core mechanic is flicking little disks.

But I really like it. This is the “Zenith Edition” which improves on several rules from the first edition, and has far better components (including an optional neoprene mat which is fantastic), but at its heart its still a silly little spaceship flicking game with tech trees, and upgrades, and all sorts of nonsense.

As my time at the game store comes to a close (7 Saturdays left!), I’m happy to report that there aren’t that many games coming out that I’m super excited about… my copy of Earthborne Rangers should theoretically arrive sometime around May (assuming this insanity with the USA doesn’t derail all cross-border shipping, which it might)… but other than that… I kinda think I’m good? I love my collection, and still have to purge a few dozen games, but overall… I’m good.

Hope everyone has an amazing February of gaming!

Game Plays
Sea Salt & Paper 6 (+6)
Imperium: Horizons 5 (+5)
ALIEN: Fate of the Nostromo 2 (+2)
PUSH 2 (+2)
Rallyman: GT 2 (+2)
Steampunk Rally Fusion 2 (+2)
The Networks 2 (+2)

(Plus a bunch of games at 1 play each.)

Didn’t have time to do the Rallyman and Sentinels challenges this month, bad Roger no biscuit. But a decent start anyway.


The challenge: Play two of my unplayed games each month.

So, games that got played in January:

Lord of the Rings: Duel for Middle-Earth
Unmatched: The Witcher - Steel and Silver
Unmatched: The Witcher - Realms Fall

I know, I know, Unmatched barely counts as they are more or less expansions to a game system, but at least I can mark them as played!

I did get almost one round of solo play in on War of the Ring: the Card Game in, but got interrupted and it got too late before I could try to get back to it, so I just packed it up. Hope to try again this month.


January Results

10 X 10 Challenge

Game Month Total Status
Gaia Project 4 [4/10]
Meadow 1 [1/10]
Total 5 5

Challenge commenced, including learning how to play one of the heaviest games in my collection.

Keyforge 10x10

Set Deck Month Total Win % Status
Dark Tidings Bailiff Susannah Murklurker 11 [11/10] 0%
Tokens of Change Oscar “Jurassic Classic” Qvinpain 2 [2/10] 0%
Progress 12%

An excellent start in terms of play count. Specaularly unsuccessful in terms of win rate. Although, to be fair to “Jurassic Classic”, it’s too highly rated to be playing in the causal games queue so I’ve been deploying it in competitive, which is not the most forgiving place to be learning a deck.

Monthly Mini Challenge
January: play all my Roll/Flip and Write games

Twenty plays in total, with all but one of the soloable titles played. Less success for the ones requiring more than one player, with only one played. Didn’t get to any expansions. Was a most enjoyable challenge, I do love a good X and Write.

February’s Mini Challenge: Play all the games I purchased in Spain last year (see here).

Have a festive February of gaming everyone!