#189: Resolving Rules Disputes


This topic was suggested by Penn State law professor Jacob Schuman, although let us be perfectly clear that he does not necessarily endorse any of the views expressed. I mean, if Justices Breyer and/or Alito heard us impugn their oracular insights, no doubt we would be put on blast; much like those terrible journalists for having the sheer gall to posit that judges are, well, human and all. Perish the thought! We also apologize for suggesting that textualism does not ineffably guide one to the True and Correct Opinion, just like it did in Bostock, where textualist methods gave you at least three competing interpretations.

01:05 AYURIS: Clinic Deluxe Edition (Alban Viard, AVStudioGames, 2019)

Games Played Last Week:
03:40 -Tinners’ Trail (Martin Wallace, Alley Cat Games, 2021)
07:09 -Merchants of Amsterdam (Reiner Knizia, Rio Grande Games, 2000)
10:59 -Merchants Cove (Jonny Pac, Carl Van Ostrand, & Drake Villareal, Final Frontier Games, 2021)
13:26 -Ra (Reiner Knizia, alea, 1999)
15:17 -Isle of Cats (Frank West, The City of Games, 2019)
17:52 -For Science! (R. Eric Reuss, Grey Fox Games, 2021)
20:28 -Furnace (Ivan Lashin, Hobby World, 2021)
22:36 -Arkham Horror: The Card Game (Nate French & MJ Newman, Fantasy Flight Games, 2016)
26:00 -Messina 1347 (Raúl Fernández Aparicio & Vladimír Suchý, Delicious Games, 2021)
28:34 -Dark Ages: Heritage of Charlemagne (Adam Kwapiński & Andrei Novac, Board&Dice, 2021)

News (and why it doesn’t matter):
32:58 Risk: Shadow Forces. Legacy light?
33:51 Art Robbery from Helvetiq and Reiner Knizia
34:29 Iron Forest approaches
35:07 Assault on Doomrock Ultimate Edition approaches, Too Many Bones is… too… many bones.
37:05 Parasocial Saturdays! October 30th at 10:00 EST on Twitch.
37:35 Arkhipov Day: October 27, 1962: 59th anniversary of Vasily Arkhipov saving the world. Theme song “Two Atomic Heroes” by Lemon Knife! Arkhipov Day Patreon sale!

38:15 Topic: Resolving Rules Disputes

1:08:23 SVWAG Presents: Masterpiece Theatre: The Legend of Korra Season 1

Risk Legacy 2!

Some really interesting ideas in that topic – I’d also add the “best game” approach, as in the rules may suggest A, B or C, and we’ve tried all three and we enjoyed B most even though it probably isn’t either the obvious interpretation of the designer’s intent or a strict reading of the text. (While staying clear of recommending changes one hasn’t tested.) So when I write up the less-ambiguous rulebook or reference sheet, I’ll favour option B, though I may mention the others.

(But of course this is about avoiding arguments and making things as clear as possible before the game starts.)

The ST:A Complete Unofficial rulebook has a lot of “this rule was altered for the CUR” or “this was clarified as A by GF9 support, but B [in the text] is more consistent with [other things]”. I think that’s a reasonable thing to do.

I’ve put in my comprehensive Flash Point rules document:

Opinions differ as to whether [the Rescue Dog] can Lead Treated Victims; a strict ruling is “no”, “yes” seems too powerful, so perhaps yes but for 2AP per square?