Your current RPG campaigns

Thanks! Got it! I have Masks in my digital library of games. Some interesting ideas, but “It ain’t what I call rock and roll”: It just doesn’t feel like a roleplaying game at all. I’m not entirely sure why, as I had no trouble with Hellcats and Hockeysticks, which is equally constrained to a list of archetypes or stereotypes—but I found it a lot of fun to run. I just don’t feel any impulse to run Masks at all, though I’m a big fan of the supers genre.

I’m about to run WaterDeep Dragon Heist for my family - wife, sister in law and parents in law. Should be interesting…

Also playing WHFRP with a new group so we’re doing the starter set adventure. Lots of other stuff we can do in Ubersreik afterwards


:notes: Was the party sacrificed?
Waterdeep, Dragon Heist



Is it that bad?

I was going to do Lost Mines of Phandelver but one player has already done a few sessions of it

I haven’t the faintest idea. Sorry, just an unhelpful joke.

For me it’s a handy way to label games I should avoid. There are a few systems I really don’t get on with and that one’s in the top three.

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The only time I’ve played it, it was a one-shot of the fantasy variant (er, Dungeon World) being run by @MichaelCule of this parish. That adventure was quite fun… but the system was quite unmemorable, so perhaps (all being Stabcon-going grognards) we were doing it wrong?

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I’m not sure I could figure out how to do Masks “right” from the text of the game I bought. This may be a strange mirror image of the difficulty I had in running En Garde!, where it was a real challenge to resist importing long familiar conventions of RPGs back into a sort of proto-RPG where those conventions did not yet exist.

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I normally don’t use a battle map for d & d or WFRP or Cyberpunk or whatever - though quite often i’ll amateurishly sketch an encounter area for Traveller or Achtung Cthulhu. SO the enjoyment of the VTT and using what is there on Roll 20 is a surprise to me.

Initially this is out of poverty in the eighties - no way to buy minis to suit all the monsters. Then convenience (I now have enough warhammer minis to cover most bases) and avoiding repetition. Anyway, it is working for me on the VTT in a way that is novel and fun for the moment!

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Very glad to hear it! Every once in a while I think about getting a nice big tablet that I could use to display handouts and use as a battle map tool for in-person games; then I see the prices of the things.

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Not really a campaign, by a friend and my wife just ran a game of Oculus Tertius for 6 of us.

It’s a Danish one-shot RPG, technically meant to be LARPed, but our friend translated the rules and adapted it for Discord. A short explanation of it kind of is “Clue (the movie), but with ghosts.”

We had a really good time, and there were some nice surprises and an interesting ending, and interesting characters. It’s a very … adult game, and I don’t mean that in the “nudity” sense, just, well, some of these characters have dealt with some serious shit. It definitely should be played with some trigger warnings.

I don’t know if there are any English rules out there, but if you can track any down, it’s really good.


I just wrapped up a Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Campaign a few weeks ago! I converted it to Ravnica (my two original players are Magic fans) and it worked really well!

We’re now playing Curse of Strahd, which I’ve converted to Innistrad (again, for the Magic players). I’ve been sharing my TTS window, just to show maps and minis, but I’m excited to do the Tarokka reading!


Awesome. Such a great thing ‘tis the Internet. Thank goodness for it during lockdown!

My groups been using Fantasy Grounds for 5e DnD Our DM decided on it as he preferred it over Roll20. Not sure why, never asked. Although he has uploaded some maps he’s modded so maybe that?

I only tried Roll20 a few years ago and it was just used as a dice roller for a Dark Ages vampire campaign.

On the forums I’m currently playing in the Mothership one shot, Warhammer Fantasy RP and hopefully DnD starting soon.

I’ve done loads of RPs over the years, but I think probably my favourite was Hunter: The Reckoning. We played that for years! Highly recommended if anyone wants to play a low powered protagonist hunting creatures way above your threat level, all whilst trying to maintain a normal life (at least at first!).

EDIT: Oh crap, I just noticed someone’s moved my title over from SU&SD!


Any hints on playing it?

It’s fairly linear and my players were generally pretty good about following leads. Id definitely recommend having some or all of the party members join one of the factions so that they can get a nudge in the right direction from them if needed.

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Oh wow, our DM has said he’s been reading Waterdeep: Dragon Heist and Curse of Strahd and is going to run one. He’s leaning towards W:DH. We’ll be starting from level 1. I’m going to play an alchemist, from the Eberron book.

How would you rate the story @Tika?

My partner just dropped >£100 on Genesys Core and Shadow of the Beanstalk, so I’ve been volunteered to GM for us all. So far we are only creating characters, and given that I’ve only ever played one RPG (which ended really sour) it’s taking some time. :persevere: I got some really good advice on a Discord channel, so I’m hoping we’ll be fine. :sweat_smile:



I quite like Genesys as a system, but it takes some getting used to if you know other games. You may be in a better position to make use of it than I was…

Running Mothership slowly.

Playing Grand Pendragon Campaign really slowly.

How is that it? It’s normally more???


A surprisingly difficult question to answer! I would say the story is average, but I found it easy to run as a beginner DM.

The best and worst thing are the same; the party gets in way over their heads, going up against some very powerful forces, but possibly making some powerful allies of their own in the process. It’s exciting and different, but I worried at times about them not being the stars of the story.