Honey Heist.
So we had a character creation session two weeks ago for Monster of the Week, they decided to go with The Professional, The Crooked and The Divine. I couldn’t quite get them sold on developing a group concept first because they had each decided on their playbook separately. So they defined how they knew each other (basically the Professional is the Divine’s mission and the Professional is undercover with the gang to which the Crooked belongs and so on… ). Group concept wise it didn’t help that of the inspirational series they mostly know Buffy and the “Chosen One and Entourage” didn’t appeal to them because it suggests one of them is the protagonist and the others “just helpers”.
Yesterday, we had our first game. I noticed I am way out of practice GM-ing and we are going to have a two part episode for the first monster because they barely made it to a first fight with it. I chose a German corn demon called “Kornmuhme” for the first monster. I had trouble getting them to swallow the hook/s I had prepared, so that took longer. Then I let them explore the demon summoner’s house way too long without knowing exactly what clues they could find there.
We used jitsi, roll20.net and I made a few maps from Google Maps + Photoshop and some with inkarnate to have a few visual props to help things along.
In general everyone had fun and we got a few good laughs out of the Divine’s eternal complaints that he should have gone with the flaming sword instead of the hammer because the demon was susceptible to fire and couldn’t be hurt by hammers and bullets
We’re back in the game and I am happily surprised that playing online works quite well these days (we tried many years ago when the first players of our group moved away and it was a hassle…)
Hurrah! Really glad this is working out.
Me too, as I suggest MotW earlier
Also, apologies to @yashima for missing your earlier post about helpful tips. I could probably provide some semi-helpful insights but as you’ve played a first game you most likely have a pretty decent understanding. Let me have a think and see what I come up with. It would be interesting to get your opinion.
As a side note, I had included all of @RogerBW quote in my post and the system automatically removed it, which was a bit puzzling at first but understandable.