Book 5 of the Stormlight Archive is the end of a 5 book arc, although there will be 10 books in the series. So its not a bad time to start, if you want to.
Yeah. There will be a time skip between 5 and 6. So the release of Book 5 is what made me start the series
Finished the Foundation series. I’ll put the sequel and prequel lower than the OG trilogy.
Other books in the queue:
- Frank Herbert’s Dune 5 and 6. I’m not keen on trying out his son’s Dune books atm.
- Mistborn Era 2
- the Wheel of Time
- Shadows of the Apt
- Children of Time
- The Masquerade series - It’s not done so it’s way down my priority list
- and other one instalment novels like @Acacia 's book, so I can fit them in between if I want to switch from a series.
- Nolin series - really enjoyed the Riyria universe and so I’m gonna continue with this
Making my way steadily through Joe Abercrombie’s The Age of Madness trilogy, into the second volume now, The Trouble with Peace.
He retains his talent for making sympathetic characters out of people who do very unsympathetic things, along with harshly reminding the reader not to get too fond of the people in his world. Dark, funny, clever and thoughtful; sometimes deeply cruel and coldly dispassionate.
yeah love a bit of Abercrombie!! Can’t wait to read his new book.
I didn’t like 4 or 5 either. I later found out these were crossover events, tied in with the Robot and Empire serieses. If you haven’t read all of those, the later Foundation books lose their context.
There should be a note in the front regarding such. I just remember getting to the end of Foundation and Earth, and we solve the great mystery, find the hidden destination, and… oh, there’s a dude here. The end. WHAT.
I’m currently reading Elantris and it definitely feels a bit proto-Stormlight. Then again it was his first published book.
It is the best book of the series imo. But I only read the first 3 and got kinda stuck in book 4.
Making my way through December Park by Ronald Malfi. I found it on a list of books being compared to Stephen King novels. They said it was something like IT (kids facing horrible things in their hometown). But I’m almost half way into it, and nothing much really seems to have happened. They spend a lot of time talking about this killer, and they’ve seen one dead body (as it was discovered by the police). Maybe I’m expecting too much stuff like IT. I don’t think there is even anything supernatural going on.
Currently finished reading some Andre Norton and Alan E Nourse books as I cope with recovering from getting shingles for the new year.
Currently reading Black Butler after finding that there was not enough of it available in anime form I am just starting volume 8 of 32 or so.
I’m tackling Attack on Titan (Manga).
Sometime last year I stumbled into Shangri La Frontier and was absolutely hooked. Haven’t had as much luck since then, Cafe Terrace was poorly translated, fabricated characters, no story to speak of. A Silent Voice had some really good moments but a lot of it was teen emo muddling.
Attack on Titan: Generally, walking corpses and people getting bitten to pieces isn’t my deal but Attack on Titan has something under the hood that’s pretty compelling.
We planned on watching Attack on Titan–my partner keeps warning me about the gruesome bits … but atm Crunchyroll only has Season 2 and onwards. I had not noticed until the local manga dealer informed me of the sad fact. So it remains in the backlog.
Maybe I should do an update on what I have watched recently…
Next up on reading is Deathnote because it has been compared to Code Geass on TV Tropes and it appears on a lot of the same trope entries that I find most interesting. As a plus there is a nice new edition being published. The comparisons also say it is a lot darker and less hopeful than Code Geass (!) and thus for me it is more suitable as reading (also I haven’t found it on any of the streaming services I frequent). But there is some time until then because there is a lot more Black Butler still to be read.
Ahhhh Death Note. Should I rewatch it?
Death Note is really good, though it comes in two arcs. The first arc, IMO, is just fantastic, almost perfect! The second arc feels a bit off to me, kind of throws you for a loop, but it does finish strong. Definitely a series well worth reading/watching.
I’m in the middle of Arcanum Unbounded as I try to tick off some of Brandon Sanderson’s novella.
I’ve read some of the stories separately so I’m in two minds about how I log this one on Goodreads.
I finished Revenger, the first book in Alastair Reynolds’ Revenger trilogy. I quite enjoyed it! It’s a fun, swashbuckling romp. Some plot points were predictable (I called the identity of the main antagonist the SECOND a specific plot point came up, for instance), but the enjoyment was not diminished.
Now I’m gonna start Nemesis Games, book 5 of The Expanse, before going back to Revenger.
I’ve just finished listening to The Ministry of Time on audiobook. I think I’ll get my sister a paper copy for her birthday next month
I finished reading Black Butler as far as it exists only to find out it is on hiatus after 18 years of continuous publishing just shy of a finale since last summer… oh well. Can‘t be helped. So I am hoping that it will return—I have no experience with manga and how likely that is—the potential for a really good ending absolutely exists and I am hoping the author just needs time to pull everything together. (Although this reminds me of ASoIaF where I no longer believe it will ever happen.)
After reading most of it in digital form, I am tempted to go looking for some of the art books because the art is so gorgeous I just want to stare at it especially the color illustrations. So what I really want is the manga to get a glorious finale and then for a special edition with more color illustrations. (The German translated volumes are of shoddy quality). I would pay good money for that.
(not that my comics shelf has any space—might be due to boardgames taking up most shelf-space in the house)
On a different note: I picked up my order of the first volume (after first getting the 2nd one) of the new anniversary edition of Death Note (German translation can‘t be helped) and have started reading. I can already see where the Code Geass comparisons are coming from. It‘s a very fascinating premise. And I love how quickly the author manages to make sure the story takes place in Japan even if the power of the Death Note is location independent. Of course I may be jumping to conclusions as I only just started reading…