@Delwayne asked for a die roll:
okay, to continue…
d13: 9
@Delwayne asked for a die roll:
since he might do a siege. lets pull another card…
d13: 6
Continue my diamond seige in Jerusalem please.
okay. we need to resolve @TomNowell his one first…
May I start a siege in Cadiz please?
Okay, the Cadiz siege is an initial one.
We can go to the continuing siege at Jerusalem.
We will draw a fate card…
well, that is a surprise! The city has given up and the Baron takes control!
Err can we do my Jerusalem seige now please?
? we did do it… scroll up…
Ohhh wow it was over so fast I missed it! Yay us!
@Delwayne asked for a die roll:
while we await @Thorambur
lets pull another card…
d11: 10
Marker to the Mercenary Track please
Please remember, you do pay for them and let us know what noble to assign them too. That Noble must be in one of your cities! otherwise, they get assigned to your stronghold.
I will take the Swiss Leader and Swiss 150 and assign them to my Square noble.
Pair of Tuscans for me, with Triangle.