Warrior Knights PBF#1


everyone can review everything. gonna be a delay before we start the next stack. in about 10 hrs, Iā€™ll be on a 6hr flightā€¦ so if there is no posting from me, Iā€™m traveling and may not have internet.

there might be other corrections as well. Iā€™ll be reviewing everyoneā€™s coin totals.

@Delwayne asked for a die roll:
well, Iā€™m at the airport and I have some timeā€¦

later when I do board, if any of you know how to roll dice, you can do so and perhaps players can take their turns if it doesnā€™t involve any host actions.

moving forwardā€¦ first card of the last stackā€¦
d15: 12

Green card#2

@Delwayne asked for a die roll:
I think we can go one moreā€¦
d15: 1

Yellow card#1

gain a faith, no change to HoC.

@Delwayne asked for a die roll:
And it will go into Assembly.

with that we can do anotherā€¦
d15: 2

Neutral card#3


and it is a green back shown card.

Hmmm so I can assign that to any baron? Or just let it be random.

Any offers?

If it is random, you donā€™t get a faith.

Yes, I mean is anyone offering me anything to assign it to them? Iā€™ll wait an hour or two to see then decide what to do.

Yellow Baron not doing so wellā€¦ perhaps he would consider it an honor to get it, in exchange for a future favor?

I think Iā€™m gonna arbitrarily assign it to Red Baron in return for the faith.

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I am finishing my siege with my versatile action.

Okay, first we will take care of the versatile action for Green Baron. Continuing the siege at Froli (200) with Square Noble. We have our new shuffled fate deck. We shall draw a card for the seigeā€¦

siege continues with a breach token on it.

Head of Church (purple) will gain a Faith and give the green event card to Red Baron.

Red Baron will receive 4 votes.

@Delwayne asked for a die roll:
we shall continueā€¦
d12: 1

Purple card#2

@Delwayne asked for a die roll:
while he decides we will do another cardā€¦
d12: 4