Thousand Year Old Vampire donating to social justice organisations

For anyone who has been intrigued by the podcast discussions of Thousands Year Old Vampire, the creator had just stated:

Between June 1 and June 8 all PDF sales of Thousand Year Old Vampire will be donated to social justice organizations (the money will go to probably bail organizations through ActBlue). Last week I was able to donate $500, I hope we can do even more this week!

You can purchase the pdf from Thousand Year Old Vampire


Was very happy to see the email about this!

As a backer, I can confirm 1000 year-old Vampire is awesome and you should buy it, especially now he’s doing this. (If you’re in the US and don’t have the ridiculous postage the UK does, look at getting the hardback. It’s absolutely beautiful.)

Thanks for posting @Luke. I’d already been looking at it since the recent podcast, but this helped seal the deal. I’d have loved to pick up the hardcover book, it looks beautiful alright, but it’s a bit steep for shipping as @SteveB_uk mentioned.


The website says there’s plans for a print-on-demand edition based in the EU this summer, so I’m going to wait for that.

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