Tempered glass slab with hex grid

Glasholm table top

I have lately discovered that Ikea makes a “tabletop” that consists of a 148 cm by 73 cm sheet of laminated glass. The two outer layers are tempered glass and the interlayer is marked with a hexagonal grid. Only A$99, and if I’m reading right there is free delivery.

Now, I’d never get to use a glass-topped hex-gridded gaming table in my current rural fastness. But if I still lived in Canberra I’d already have bought one.


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A friend of mine moved into a flat to discover that the kitchen/dining countertop was gridded in 10mm squares. That saw a lot of dry-erase marker use.

An acrylic sheet to put over the top of your map is more flexible. But it’s nice to see wargamers infiltrating IKEA.

I usually don’t have a map. My need is usually to very quickly sketch a location that, two minutes ago, I had no expectation that the PCs would get into a fight in.

A table-sized sheet of 5mm clear acrylic with a hex grid ruled in the underside would be better because it would be more versatile — I could put a map under it when I had one. I’ll keep an eye out and let you know if I see one cheap.

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I’ve recently bought a 270mm square of clear acrylic with lots of concentric circles stamped into it. Yes, they sell great big Fresnel lenses to nutters like me…

If the alternatives are (a) having the hexes printed on the sheet and (b) having the hexes on a separate sheet of plastic or paper that lies underneath it then I think (b) is more practical because it’s more versatile. Though (a) is arguably more stylish and geeky.

Yes, and it lets you superimpose a grid upon an arbitrary map (not that I want to do that often myself).

I have some A3 acrylic sleeve case thingies meant for displaying menus or something like that. I printed two A4 hex grids, pasred them together, an put them in one of the sleeve case things. The result is pretty satisfactory for most practical purposes, especially if stuck down. It just doesn’t have the geeky grandeur of a whole tabletop of hexes under glass.