Tabletop, ten years later

And Critical Role walked about the same time, which blew a huge hole in G&S’s finances, to tbe point that they’ve more or less ceased to exist as more than a shel.


It does surprise me how many people underestimate Felicia Day. She is INCREDIBLE at business.


She is a brilliant woman, which you might not guess if you just know her from her acting and web shows.

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I’m not so sure of this, considering her disasterous foray into crypto.

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Oh yeah! I’d forgotten about that.

I have no recollection whatsoever of the large tattoo covering Wil’s entire forearm.

I just bisected the playlist. Episode 40: no tattoo. Episode 41: giant tattoo.

Clearly I never saw anything beyond episode 40…


I watched a bit of the Mysterium episode and now I want to play Mysterium again.

I watched a bit of the Gloom episode and now I want to play Gloom again. (I need to watch all of this one – Gloom lives and dies with the intermeshed stories that come out of it, and this gregarious group of gloomy gamers seems great!)

Probably any episode featuring a game I’ve enjoyed will make me want to play it :‍)


I’ll take this off your hands if you don’t want it… :wink:

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Fully agree with this. The game may not be the strongest but the little rhymes and whimsical Tim Burton-esque setting gives a really fun vehicle for story telling and a shared experience. Almost mini roleplaying is when I’ve seen it at it’s best.


I really didn’t like smashup, for whatever that is worth.


I just liked playing Pirate-Ninjas and Dinosaur-Mages :slight_smile:

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And maybe without that we wouldn’t have got Riftforce (lane battler, each side combines four types of power).

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One of the few games my group didn’t even finish. We played a bit, thought “is this it?” and we decided to stop playing.

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I think I tried twice with different people, because the owner was so keen. Both games were aborted. Another entirely different group of people tried on a different day, also aborted without finishing.

It’s probably the worst general reception I’ve ever seen for a game.

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maybe it’s good then i sold Smashup when i did without testing my nostalgia. :blush:

what put me off at some point was the ever growing number of expansion decks. it was impossible to keep up. it seemed to turn into a lifestyle game at that point.