Star Trek Adventures "One Shot" Recruiting and Out-of-Game Thread

I think I have this right. I thought I’d have options for the personal effects, so may have to change that.

Pavi Zin

This text will be hidden

UPBRINGING Artistic and Creative(A)
CAREER Experienced Officer
TRAITS Bajoran

First through the door
Leave no one behind

Team dynamics
Helm Operations
Hand-to-hand combat

Personal Effects [Rank: 1]
Follow My Lead
Mean Right Hook

Phaser type -1

Learns Unique Language
Conflict with a Hostile Culture

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Okay, well, you folks are almost done already so I won’t walk through the rest of the character creation unless @DJCT or @RossM need some help.

Also, I’ll use this opportunity to inform everyone of a standard mechanic I use for all my RPGs called “Lines and Veils.” It’s pretty standard stuff.

A “Veil” is something you’re uncomfortable about, but don’t mind discussing in passing. One of my personal “Veils” is spiders. I don’t mind people mentioning, like, brushing past cobwebs, or seeing spider webs in a forest. But I won’t spend time detailing a spider in fine detail, and we won’t face giant horrible monster-spiders on our adventure. You can see the thing, but it’s obscured or happens “off screen” (as if it were behind a Veil, natch).

A “Line” is a hard no. One of my personal Lines is sexual assault. I was assaulted when I was 7, and so I just don’t want to deal with the emotional issues involved in that in my recreation.

If you have any Veils or Lines, fire them off in a DM to me or mention them here, and I’ll do my best to adhere to them. I should also mention that we will have a digital “X” card: if at any point in time I (or one of the other players) mentions something that you find uncomfortable or would rather not discuss, just write “I’m tapping the X card on that” (be as specific as you are comfortable being). I won’t ask for clarity or for you to defend your position: we’ll just drop it like a hot rock and move on, adjusting the story or encounter as is required.

Cool. One last little note: I’m going to steal one element from “Blades in the Dark” almost verbatim: the “Group Equipment List.” You are all professionals, doing professional stuff. I don’t expect you to know what you need for any given situation, but I expect your characters are well-prepared. So there is going to be a blank list of 10 spaces, and any time you folks want “a thing” that’s a reasonable thing for you to have, I’ll just write that down because you have it. Need a portable power source? You brought one! Transporter signal buffers? Sure! Phaser rifles? Why not! Photon torpedo in your back pocket?.. no. That’s not reasonable.

On that note: one of the “weaknesses” of the Star Trek universe is the idea of contamination. Nobody would ever walk on an alien planet in anything less than a full body environmental suit, but in Star Trek… that just doesn’t happen. Try to suspend the part of your brain that says “We’re going to an alien ship/starbase/world, we should be wearing environmental suits.” I promise you that the story we’re playing won’t dramatically change if you just wear your Starfleet uniform (unless you want to go on an EVA-walk. In which case, fine, you can wear a spacesuit. ^_^).

Cool! Carry on my wayward shipmates! There’ll be adventures when you are done!

“Hmm, maybe if we give up some of the range. You can throw a ball 25 miles, right?”

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Ok here we go - hope done correctly!

Dr Watt Simpson

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Here we go, I think this is right…

Tray Cee

startrek_character_STARTREK.pdf (132.9 KB)

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Cool cool! That’s everyone, and a nice job y’all look like you’ve done. I’m not going to go step-by-step to confirm that everything is perfect: they look cool, I hope everyone has a pretty good idea of who their character is, and with that, I think we’re almost ready to get started.

A few details about the USS Migizi:
Comms 10
Engines 10
Structure 08
Computers 10
Sensors 10
Weapons 08

Command 02
Security 02
Science 04
Conn 02
Engineering 02
Medicine 03

Talents: Advanced Sensor Suites, Advanced Sickbay, Emergency Medical Hologram (and bartender)

Any time you are on the ship, you can use it as a secondary character.

Very briefly, the way the majority of the game will work is you will be presented with a problem or obstacle in one of two flavours:

  1. Standard
  2. Complicated

Standard problems require a combination of a Attribute + Discipline as a baseline to give you a target number you are attempting to roll under. So the higher the number you produce, the more likely you are to succeed (ie: a target number of 12 is better than one of 9). Each roll equal to or under your target number is a success.

By default you will roll 2d20. The problem will have a Difficulty between 0 (trivial) and 10 (nigh-impossible, Herculean).
1s are always Critical Successes, and count as 2 successes. So there is always a 1 in 400 chance of getting 4 Successes on only 2d20…
However, most of the time you’ll want to add more dice to the problem and/or apply your Talents and Focuses to a problem to maximize your odds.

The easiest way to add dice to a problem is to Assist another character. Let’s use a little example.

Dr. Simpson has begun flirting with an attractive Cardassian while lounging around a “Quark’s Bar, Grill, Gambling House, and Holosuite Arcade.” Oh no! The Cardassian has started coughing up blood!

“I’m going to whip out my medical tricorder and try to save their life!” DJCT states. “I’m going to use Reason + Medicine, giving me a target number of 15.”

“That’s pretty good! Unfortunately, whatever is afflicting this Cardassian seems to be shockingly aggressive, and they’re collapsed on the floor and surrounded by panicking patrons. Your difficulty is going to be 3 to find out what’s happening, or 4 to save their life.”

“Whoa! Okay… can anyone help?”

“Pavi Zin will help!” says Snobbydolphin. “While I wasn’t involved in the Bajoran resistance directly, I suspect that I’m still pretty familiar with Cardassian physiology. So I’m going to use Insight + Security to help, giving me a target number of 15 as well.”

“Sounds good, but describe to me what you’re doing to help to justify that combination of skills.”

“Ah. Well, Zin will be scanning with his own tricorder, but rather than vital signs or stuff like that, I’m going to be eliminating the possibility of toxins, or poisons, or weird radiation, or trans-warp bullets or whatever… actually, I want Zin to do an investigation of all the patrons, demanding that if anyone saw anything they tell us. That would help right? That would use… Daring + Command, which is only a 14, but I think it’s more in character for what Zin would do.”


Only one player can assist in this way per roll, and you will roll 1d20, adding any success (multiple if you score a Critical Success) to the total. But we’re still only up to 3d20 total, and while a target number of 15 means that 75% of the rolls will succeed… we still need 4 total success if we want to save this poor sucke… Cardassian. But it’s a low-risk way to assist other players.

So the next way to make odds better is to “buy” additional dice. There are two currencies to purchase dice: Momentum and Threat. Broadly speaking, Momentum is gained by rolling more Successes than you needed, and Threat is an evil resource that you willingly give me in order to make your lives more difficult. We’ll cover both in more detail a little later, but for now, just know that to buy 1 additional die costs either 1 Momentum (taken from the common pool of Momentum for the group) or 1 Threat (given to me to add to the pool of Threat I can spend during the adventure). The 2nd die you purchase costs 2 Momentum, 2 Threat, or 1 of each. The 3rd die (if applicable) costs 3, 3, or a combination that adds up to three.

However, you are never allowed to roll a total of more than 5 dice for a problem. So in our example, DJCT is rolling 2 dice, but Snobbydolphin is already “adding” one to the situation, so we’re already at three dice, so DJCT can at most buy 2 more dice.

One last note: spending Momentum or giving me Threat aren’t strictly group decisions. Any player can use these resources without needing to ask. But it’s usually nice to consider if the group might need that Momentum for something else (or if the Threat is already high and everyone’s life is already hard!).

“The group currently has 2 Momentum, DJCT. Do you want to buy another die or two?”

“Ugh… I’m hitting on 15s, so I shouldn’t need two more dice… I hope… okay, I’ll buy one die for one Momentum.”

“Cool. Any Talents or Focuses you think apply to this situation?”

Last point (for now, there are always more “last points”): Talents give you specific bonuses as listed. This usually is something like “If you buy 1 die with Momentum, you may reroll 1 die but must use the new result” or “Whenever you use (Talent), reduce the Difficulty of the task by 1” or whatever. Useful stuff, and again, I’m always willing to let you include a Talent if you can justify it.

As for Focuses, if you can come up with a justification for the Focus, it allows you to get Critical Successes on the entire range of your Discipline you are using, rather than only on 1s.

“Ooh, I’m going to use my Bold: Medicine Talent. Can I use Threat instead of Momentum to buy that additional die? It lets me reroll.”


“Great! And I’m going to use my Emergency Medicine Focus, so I’m getting Crits on 1 - 5, rather than only 1s.”

“Sounds good. Okay, you’re rolling 3d20, Snobbydolphin is rolling 1d20, go ahead and give me those rolls.”

Clear as mud? Last thing (see? So many “last things”) here: Values should be thought of as a “Mini-Feat” or an “Oops” button for when things go really wrong. By Challenging a Value (coming up with a reason why your character is questioning one of their values is the most common way to do that), you can immediately add a die roll of 1 (so 2 successes) to any situation/problem before you roll, or you can reroll any of the dice you’ve already rolled. But each Value can only be Challenged once per “Episode” (for our purposes, you can challenge each of your Values once over the entire Adventure we’re going to play… I’ve been playing our ST:A adventure for over a year and a half now, and we’ve only had 2 Value Challenges in all that time. They tend to be rare, but very useful in a pinch).

Argh, another Last Thing (a better man would go back and delete the previous instances of “last thing” I’ve already said to make me look like less of an idiot… but I am not that man). Rolls of 1 are always Critical Successes, and rolls of 20 are always Critical “Failures”. They don’t remove successes or anything like that, but they never count as a success (even if by some miracle you manage a Attribute + Discipline of 20… which shouldn’t be possible), and they always make your life more difficult.

I like giving you, the players, the option of telling me what happens as a result of you rolling a 20. My group often has their equipment explode, or shields will fail, or the weather gets worse… if you can’t think of anything, you can always just give me 1 Threat instead, but narrative, “interesting” complications are more fun! But note, it should make your life more complicated (“The Cardassian gasps ‘You… did… this!..’ as he passes out!”) but not impossible (“The Cardassian dies!”). You can still succeed and get a few Critical Failures (and it doesn’t matter who rolls the 1 or the 20… if the person assisting rolls a 20, they have failed to make things better and have made things more complicated).

As mentioned above, you compare the Difficulty of the task (most will be in the 0 to 4 range… 4 is already “pretty hard,” and I’ll only pull out a 5 or a 6 if you’re trying to juggle phasers while dodging The Borgs as you skip across rocks in the middle of a lava flow) to the number of success you rolled: if you managed to hit the number or higher, you succeed at the task (possibly with Complications added), huzzah! If you don’t hit the Difficulty, you can choose to Challenge a Value for that Reroll, you can have it fail, or you can Succeed at a Cost (“Yes, you saved the Cardassian’s life, but…”). If you rolled more Successes than the Difficulty, usually those are converted directly into Momentum (and if you have the Untapped Potential Talent, you can roll a d6 to try and earn back more momentum that you spent), but you can also ask to make your life easier instead (“Everyone at the bar saw that I didn’t hand the drink to the Cardassian!”). Most of the time I won’t have an issue with that, unless it specifically contradictions something really important in the adventure.

Okay, those are the basics! Oh, but I didn’t cover the Second Type of Problem (“Complicated”)! You’re right.

A Complicated Problem is a series of Standard Problems, but rather than having one target Difficulty, you have a Difficulty and your Successes are put into a pool of Successes until a sufficient number of Success is accumulated by all players. Let’s use a Warp Breach as an example and give poor Dr. Simpson a break from being my whipping example.

A Borg Drone punched the Warp Core, and now things are gettin’ hairy on the Migizi. The group will need a total of 20 “Damage” to the problem in order to solve it. I’ll usually tell you this target number or give you strong hints as to how close you are to solving the problem.

“Okay, somebody needs to recalibrate the Dilithium Crystals, somebody needs to subdue that Borg, there’s poisonous gases starting to seep out, and power is starting to fluctuate.”
“I’ll handle the crystals,” says RogerBW. “Kelly is an Engineer-type, after all! Let’s say Reason + Engineering?”
“Okay, cool. Your Difficulty is 4, but I’ll make it a 3 if you can give me a couple lines of good technobabble describing what you’re doing to affect the realignment.”
(Roger looks pensively into the middle distance)
“Torlent is going to go all Worf on that Borg! Fitness + Security, and I’d like to use my Hand-to-Hand Combat Focus.”
“Awesome. Your Difficulty is going to be 4, but when you get 3 or more Successes, total, I’ll drop the Difficulty that Kelly has by 1. Also, I’ll drop your Difficulty down to 3 if you come up with a good one-liner you shout as you charge into combat!”
(WolfeRJ scowls at me… one-liners indeed! What is this, Star Wars?!.. but a reduction in Difficulty would be nice…)
“Rather than trying to fix the poison gas problem, I’m going to have Dr. Simpson assist Torlent with that Borg. I’ll use Control + Security and shout ‘Covering fire!’ as I blast wildly in the approximate direction of the Borg.”
“Here’s hoping you don’t roll a 20 on that die, DJCT… that Borg is awfully close to the warp core!” (I pause for dramatic effect) “Actually, I’m going to spend a couple Threat so that your Complication Range is now 18-20.”
“Argh! Curse my impulsive Scottish trigger finger! But I’m still adding my die to Torlent’s Borg problem!”

And so on.

Okay, okay, the Last Thing for reals this time: every time you succeed during a Complicated Task, you roll 1d6 (an “Action Die” where the faces are 1, 2, 0, 0, 1+Effect, 1+Effect). For every additional Success over the Difficulty you add another Action Die, and the number you roll reduces the total Complicated Task “health” by that amount.

For the record, this is how combat is “supposed” to work, but not how we’re going to do it. Combat in our adventure will be “Standard” tasks to keep things moving along, and only big, climactic moments will be Complicated tasks.

Clearer than mud?

I think that’s everything that’s super important.

Does anyone have any specific character (or game, or rules) based questions you want to tackle? I’m going to start a new thread for the game itself, and we can keep Out Of Game talk over here.

My goal is to post approximately daily, but to give everyone at least 24-ish hours to respond to each update to the main thread (more is of course possible).

I managed to get a sum total of zero (0) hours of sleep last night, so I can’t promise I’ll start the Adventure Proper until tomorrow or Tuesday, but it’s comin’! At least you’ll have some time to ask questions. I may have made mistakes… in fact, I almost guarantee it.

Let me know if you have any questions, and I’ll get back to ya as soon as I can!



I know the dominion war is over, but how long has it been over?

(Ironically this is exactly when I was going to set my scenarios.)

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I’d say about… 4-5 years? 2380, so one year after Star Trek Nemesis, and concurrent with ST: Lower Decks.

The Dominion War ended in 2375. Nailed it.

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Ok cool. Voyager is back, (Redacted) hasn’t (Redacted) yet.

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@RogerBW asked for a die roll:
A small technical note: the forum die roller is invoked by including e.g.

{roll 3d20}

in your post, only with square brackets rather than curly ones. As I’m going to do here.

3d20: 12 + 13 + 20 = 45

It doesn’t have support for Action Dice but the customiser should work. Let’s find out!

{pool 3;1,2,0,0,1+Effect,1+Effect}
pool 3 custom: 2, 2× 1+Effect


Ooh, I forgot to mention, if you want to use the customiser (like Roger did), you can replace “1+Effect” with “Delta.”

The “Delta” is the official name for the Starfleet swoosh. In game, it means you get 1 “thing” (whatever you are rolling the D6 for), but it will depend on what the Delta does in the specific case to determine what else happens.

For example, one or two of you have the “Untapped Potential” Talent. What that means is that any time you spend a Momentum on a test, you can choose to test your Untapped Potential by rolling an Action die. On a 1 or 2, you gain those many Momentum back. On a 3 or a 4, nothing happens (they’re blank), and on a Delta you instead give 1 Threat to the GM. Often attacks will do something like… Vicious, I think, means you do +1 damage for each Delta you roll (so the die becomes, effectively: 1, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2). Phasers can sometimes use Deltas to “stun” enemies or so on, and so forth.


Since we’re reaching our first Potentially Hostile Interaction, just a few words on my general approach to RPGs.

I don’t believe in the Violence Is The Only Answer approach to gaming. Like, ever. I don’t run my D&D campaign that way, and never ran my Rifts campaigns that way, and I certainly don’t run my Star Trek Adventure campaigns that way. By the same token, I am also a firm believer in Violence Is Always An Option.

But it’s rarely an option that I will force the players into. If you guys want to get into a scrum, by all means we can and shall, but if you don’t, I will do my best to work within the framework of the game to give you outs. One of the outs might be a Tactical Withdrawal, or perhaps even a Strategic Scouting Maneuver Backwards, but there are very few instances that you must fight. And even then, I’m happy to entertain novel ways of avoiding the fight (flood the floor with Anestescene Gas!).

That stated, if we do get into Combat, I usually try to make everything deadlier to keep things moving at a healthy clip. Your enemies will be fragile but carrying very big sticks, which seems appropriate to me (you don’t see Worf shrugging off phaser blasts, and you can drop a Borg with the same phaser you use to stun a kitten). I’m at a slight disadvantage here in the sense that I can’t lie about my dice rolls… when RPGing I almost always fudge good rolls down to keep the fight close-but-ultimately-successful, so your enemies will still be fragile, but won’t be able to drop any of you in a single blow unless something truly bizarre happens.

Oh, same with player death. I solemnly swear that I will never, ever kill one of your characters unless you explicitly state that your character dying is what you want to happen. Heroic deaths are well and good, but casual deaths just aren’t a thing in my universe.


One more point, more specific to ST:A… to me, at least, ST:A isn’t defined by “finding the best application of the rules to a particular problem,” it’s more “figuring out what you want to do, and then what you think the best combination of rules applies to the problem.”

Let’s see if I can clarify the difference through example:

Lt. Cee has entered a busy tavern. At the far side there is a small, dark booth with three Romulans scowling into their bowls of soup. Cee’s contact is the middle of the three, but she suspects the other two are Tal Shiar sent to make sure this meeting doesn’t happen.

If we were playing D&D, you might say “Okay, I’m going to use Sneak to sneak across the room, and then I’m going to use Sleight of Hand to pick the pocket of a Klingon, and then drop the Klingon’s dagger on the foot of the closest Romulan Tal Shiar agent. Then I’m going to use Acrobatics to jump behind a curtain and use Hide to remain hidden.”

Each situation has a specific skill, a specific thing you do to resolve that thing. If you aren’t certain, you go up one level (Acrobatics doesn’t apply? Make it a general Dexterity check instead), but usually it’s all about leveraging your skills to the problems at hand.

ST:A is much more nebulous (at least it is when I run it). There are very few situations that have specific Att+Disc pairings. Punching and Phasering are the only two I can think of off the top of my head (Fitness + Security and Control + Security, I think).

So back to the tavern. Cee says “Okay, I’m going to walk up to the nearest Klingon and say that the Romulan in the back insulted his mother. That sounds like a Daring + Command check to me… actually, no, I’m going to make it a Reason + Medicine and do exactly the same thing but instead use my knowledge of Klingon physiology to say that the Romulan insulted some aspect of the Klingon they are very ashamed of… no, wait, I’m going to use Insight + Science to use my knowledge of Klingon History to sing the rousing chorus to a Klingon Opera where the heroic Ka’lach’t faced down an army of Romulan spy-thieves and was covered in glory as a result…”

That one action has the same net result: Klingon Get Mad, Go Punch Romulan, but each of the pairing of Att+Disc are different. And all of them are right! In fact, in almost any situation you can come up with any pairing of Att+Disc to justify what you want to do.

“But then why not use my best pairing of Att+Disc for every situation?”
You can. Absolutely. The answer is “Roleplaying,” but it is absolutely okay to want to min-max most situations to your best advantage. It’s my job as the GM to make sure that even if you’re bringing your A-game to every Task, that things stay tense and interesting. You talked the Klingons into starting a brawl, but now you’ve lost sight of your contact! And there are some things that are just impossible… talking the Klingons into attacking the Romulans? Sure. Talking the Borg into releasing all their captured species, becoming monks, and retiring to a single planet for an existence of quiet contemplation? It’s just never going to happen, full stop (although you might convince this one Borg to do that if you’re really good!).

And that stated, sometimes you don’t want to be doing the specific pair that your character is best at. Sometimes it’s just more interesting to try something off the wall and see if it sticks. Riker doesn’t try to seduce every man and woman he comes across. Sometimes he uses other tools in his toolbox despite the fact that “Seduce Target Sentient” is by far his best skill. Picard will Lawyer the heck outta almost any problem, but occasionally he will also ram the Enterprise, quite literally, into a Romulan warbird because damn that’s cool.

I usually try to think “What do I want to do” and then afterwards say “Okay, now what skills do I think justify the thing I wanted to do” (and then sometimes tweak that slightly to make my odds better). And in most cases I try to think of two or three things that I could do, see what skills each would use, and then pick the most interesting. But that’s just me, and I’m not saying how you should play ST:A, just how I do.

I’m mostly explaining this stuff to help all of you get a better grasp about what’s great (and what’s weak) about the ST:A system, and how my approach is slightly different than RaW (Rules as Written, not sure if that’s a common acronym or not).

Anyway. Nice negotiating with Neanderthals (ugh)! Hope everyone is enjoying the session thus far.


Why would you phaser a kitten?



Just to touch on this briefly: strictly speaking, “just stunning them” is full combat in ST:A.

There are specific rules for Lethal combat, but they’re… confusing to say the least. Basically you have to declare that you’re using lethal damage, everything gets more dangerous (more Threat as a starting point), and then… I honestly don’t know. The rules are super unclear.

But Stun is the default combat state. To give you an idea of how this should work following the full rules:

Most of you have between 9 and 15 Stress. Stress is “Health” in ST:A. Once it’s full, “Bad Things” start to happen (unconsciousness, injuries, Complications, etc).

A Type-2 Phaser (the over-the-wrist Dustbuster style… still one of the stupidest designs for a gun ever…) does a total of 7D6 damage… but keep in mind that that’s 7D6 where the results are 1, 2, 0, 0, Delta, Delta. That’s an average of about 5-7 points of damage (and some deltas, which add effects sometimes) for a full hit that’s not blocked by cover or armour (armour is rare in ST:A, but not unheard of… the Borg have biophasic shielding, or some such, and Changlings are naturally resistant to damage, and so on).

Heavy cover (like hiding behind a shuttle) gives 4D6 Resistance: you roll Resistance and subtract that total from the damage received. Light cover (forests) are 2D6.

What this all boils down to is that on average a human-sized target in the open has to be hit 3-4 times to go down. Grunts, Goons, and Henchfolk are a little easier… factor on 2-3 hits. But it’s not as trivial as “Point Phaser Stun World.”

Okay. All that stated: I dislike combat as a general rule in ST:A. We’ll probably do a fight or two to give y’all a feel for it (just because I don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s bad… and you may very well enjoy the combat system!), but most of the time if you get a drop on a non-plot-critical critter and hit it once, it’ll drop like a sack of potatoes.


How do values work?

So Values are designed primarily as an Roleplay mechanic, with occasional gameplay mechanics to go along with them. The basic, overarching idea is that your character’s behaviours and decisions are often (not always, but often) guided by your Values.

Think “Alignment” for many RPG systems. Same sorta idea here.

There are two major ways that Values are used as a gameplay mechanic:

  • Comply
  • Challenge

When you want to Comply with a Value, it must be a difficulty that you are imposing on yourself. Kirk wants to beat Khan, but his Value of “There is No Such Thing as a No Win Situation” means that he can’t just blow up Khan’s ship: there’s a chance there are survivors that need to be rescued. Or Spock’s “The Needs of the Many” Value means that he refuses assistance (dice) to complete a dangerous task.

Anytime you wish to Comply with one of your Values, you tell me how the Value will complicate your life (and I will try to come up with an appropriate gameplay mechanic that matches that), and you gain a point of Determination.

As an example: Cee’s Value of “Much is Unknown” could be Complied with when you are examining a new life form. As a result, you add the Complication that you’re not willing to study it any more or bring it to a lab: what is unknown doesn’t have to become known. As a result you gain a point of Determination.

Challenging a Value is the same idea, but from the opposite perspective. Instead of agreeing with your Value, you are in a situation where your character must re-evaluate long held beliefs. Picard’s Value of “All Borg Must Die” is Challenged when he meets 7 of 9 (I assume: I haven’t seen Picard yet). Sisko’s Value of “Part of me Died at Wolf 359” is Challenged when he meets the Wormhole Prophets.

When you Challenge a Value, it’s crossed off (for the mission) and you gain a point of Determination. At the end of the mission, you should spend some time to consider if your character’s values changed as a result of their experience or not: you don’t lose a Value as a result of Challenging it, but it may change to a new or different Walue.

As an example: Cee’s Value of “People can thrive in many environments” could be challenged when you are ordered to evacuate a Maquis (Mah-kee) colony. Maybe people can’t always thrive in all situations… maybe sometimes a hard life doesn’t make you better, it just makes you miserable.

I don’t remember if we’ve discussed Determination before, but everyone starts off with 1 point of it, and you can spend them to do some pretty broken-ass stuff.

  • Buy a die that immediately is set to a result of 1 (a Critical Success) before you roll a Task.
  • Reroll any or all dice for a Task you failed
  • Other stuff I forget off the top of my head, but those two up there are usually the big ones.

An alternative measure of time, or speed, or hydroelectric power or anything.

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Holy hells, Strange New Worlds is spectacular!!

Only 3 episodes in, but damn!

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