Star Trek Adventures "One Shot" Mission Thread

Keli’i’s first reaction is to start flipping circuit breakers in the hope of getting housekeeping power up and running, even if we can’t fly anywhere. Light is good, air is good.

ETA: I guess Reason + Engineering and a focus on Electro-Plasma Power Systems?

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Dr Simpson gets out his tricorder and scans everyone to check they are all ok. He then scans the wider area around the shuttle for life signs and air quality. Given the suspicions that led to the initial research earlier, he will especially seek signs of unusual compounds in the atmosphere.

If a roll is suggested it would I guess be Insight 12 plus either medicine 5 for checking the crew or science 4 for scanning the area. Focuses of toxicology, xenobiology or infectious diseases may become relevant.

Tray assists the doctor, using their own tricorder to triangulate readings.

“The fire isn’t in danger of spreading is it? The last thing we want is to burn down a swathe of this planet.”

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Rad keeps his eyes on the immediate area around the team members as they are looking at panels and tricorders. As things calm more and nothing leaps out to attack he stages out the packs for each team member, straps on his own, and sets the spare pack by the shuttlecraft door so it’s immediately accessible to anyone returning to the Kidinnu in a hurry.

(Do we still have comms with the ship?)

Tray taps her combadge.

Works for me. You can probably get emergency power back up: I will say that the atmosphere of the planet is breathable and benign, as far as the Federation knows. So you’re not at risk of suffocating.

I’m going to say Difficulty 3 to get emergency power back up: enough for the lights, emergency replicator, and maybe comms.

So this will be a Difficulty Zero task: it’s something you are trained to do, and you have everything you need in order to do it. That stated, it still carries risk if you want to roll: the threat of Complications always looms. But it can also be a way to gain some Momentum, and if you roll particularly well you might learn something.

Might not. But you might! But is it worth the risk… probably? Your call, obviously!

The tricorder will give you solid readings for the immediate surroundings, but trying to get a broad scan will be tricky. I’ll say Difficulty 4 due to the ion storm, the damaged elements of the shuttlecraft, and the unique nature of Xerxes IV (I mean that in the “you haven’t been here before” rather than “there is no place like this”).

That stated, I will lower that to Difficulty 3 if you choose to focus on a specific element of the environment: lifeforms, unusual compounds in the atmosphere, humans, or one other more-specific thing you think of that might be of particular interest to Dr. Simpson.

Cool! Which combination of skills would you like to use to triangulate? Insight + Science could help, but so might a Reason + Engineering… or a Control + Command (“I order you to scan better!”)…

You can’t shake the feeling you’re being watched. And whatever sound you heard earlier… a grunty-thumpy-sorta noise… does still waft to you occasionally. Maybe an indigenous Thumping Plant? Stranger things have happened…

Nothin’ but static. The Migizi is no longer in the system, and the ion storm would mess with comms at the best of times. The shuttle’s communication array might be strong enough to boost a signal through the soup surrounding the planet, but even that’s uncertain.

But your combadge gets nothing further than the rest of the party.

Well Insight 7 + Security 4 for 11 isn’t a slam dunk but I am Constantly Watching and have an Observation focus. I’m open for guidance if this is more of a reactive thing than a proactive thing but I think it is what I have to offer to keep us from being devoured unawares.

Sorry, y’all got the boisterous mighty-thewed security guy instead of the canny little grey cells security guy but as Ivanova said in that other property “there’s always a boom tomorrow.”

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Perfect combination, and I am happy to allow that Focus (so you Crit on the full 1-4 range of your Discipline).

I’m going to make it a “variable difficulty” (not really a thing in the game that I’m aware of, but it always made sense to me). The minimum is Difficulty 1, but for every success over that you’ll notice more.

Also, throw in a little narrative about what Torlent is “doing.” Is he gazing into the trees, trying to spot movement? Listening intently with his eyes closed? Placing his ear against the ground and listening for the distinctive clomp of iron-shod boots heading to Isengard? It won’t change the results, but it gives me a framework to give you your result.

Reminder that the group still has One Momentum if you want to spend it, and/or you can always give me Threat to roll additional dice.

Let’s go insight + Science.

I’ve got xenobiology as well. Would that help?

@RogerBW asked for a die roll:
Trying to get housekeeping power back on in the shuttle:

Reason 10 + Engineering 5 = 15
Focus “I Know My Ship” gives a bonus success on a 5-.

2d20: 17 + 4 = 21

So that’s 2 successes, but not the 3 I need.

“This is going to take a While.” Keli’i stops working on that for now, and sets up emergency lights so that we can all see what we’re doing.

@RogerBW asked for a die roll:
Oops, forgot the I Know My Ship talent for a bonus d20.
d20: 5

So that’s a total of four successes.

[Reassuring hum] as the lights come back on.

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(Im assuming you whacked it)

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No, no, Bench-Thumping is a talent in the 1991 Time Lord RPG.


@DJCT asked for a die roll:
Dr Simpson checks everyone’s vitals Insight 12 + medicine 5 2d20: 5 + 14 = 19

“I hope everyone is OK! Any symptoms to report?”

(Then I will wait to see if Tray wants to triangulate)

Works for me! Roll one die with the extended Crit range, and add it to whatever successes Dr. Simpson gets.

So, a quick note here Roger. A “Focus” and a “Talent” behave very differently for tests. You have the Talent “I Know My Ship,” not a Focus in it.

Very briefly, Focuses are pretty broad, non-specific things. Xenobiology, for example, or you have Quantum Mechanics. These are used to increase the Critical Success range of a test.

A Talent is a more specific thing, that has a particular trigger. So in the case of “I Know My Ship,” it triggers when you are trying to find a problem with “your” ship, and it adds an additional d20 (very useful!). But it doesn’t increase the Critical Range, only Focuses do that.

Now, all that stated, I can see an argument for your Focus of “Electro-Plasma Power Systems,” and your Talent of “I Know My Ship” (I think it’s safe to extrapolate that “your ship” in this case includes the Migizi and her shuttlecraft… chances are pretty good you’ve had to run maintenance on this craft a few dozen times!). So the end result you came to (4 successes due to 2 Criticals including your bonus die) is correct. Just wanted to make sure the steps to get there were clear.

Tray is helping with the external scans of the shuttlecraft, not with the medical one on everyone in the ship… which makes sense, you probably wouldn’t need help doing the routine thing, but the strange-new-thing, that you might need help with.

You managed 2 successes that convert directly into Momentum: the group now has Three Momentum you may choose to spend at any time.

EDIT: Ooh, I already forgot Roger got a bonus success: the group has Four Momentum you can spend. Note that there is a hard-cap at 6 Momentum. Any more over that limit is lost.

Aside from a few bruises and one rather nasty looking scrape, the team has come out of the landing in perfect health.

The shuttle’s lights flicker dramatically, but they do remain on. Sensors are out, shields and engines are out, but comms and lights are back, plus limited computer function. The shuttle isn’t in terrible shape, honestly, but it won’t fly again without a few replacement parts, and one of those parts is the connection from the engines to main power.


Thanks yes, I’m still getting the hang of the terms of art.

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Can I spend a momentum then for my roll?

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