Standard Value Units

It’s really only a game mechanic. But let’s have a look. ℟ for ricardo? I think I’m going to want ₹ for some colonies’ rupees or rupiah.

Fair enough. want to use ₢ for [Imperial] crowns, but the cruzeiro is obsolete.

For me, at least, part of the point is there where actual currency units have symbols like $ or ¥, metric units are called m or J or kg or Pa. So a metric unit of value might just be the R or the S.

Alternatively, why not borrow the Ø, with its suggestion of the empty set?

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“P” for Penn?

The founder of Pennsylvania? I’m not sure why his name would be linked to a scientific unit. Did he leave any writings on economics?

University of Pennsylvania, after which the Penn effect is named.

OK, I see why you want it, but I still recommend focusing on the experience (which most players will appreciate) and not the economics (which many will find tedious). My experience with exposing players to “look at the cool technical background for this chunk of world building” has convinced me to avoid it when possible.

On the other hand, if your intended audience is sufficiently geeky, go the other way.

There are [going to be] two “price” columns in each price list and one parameter in each world listing, with a simple rule involving a multiplication. There will not be a textbook on the small-country model of international trade, let alone on the Hecksher-Ohlin model.

Well, I don’t think I know of any metric unit that’s named for an institution or organization. Metric units are named for individuals: Newton, Joule, Watt, Poiseuille, Pascal, Coulomb, Ampere, Volta, Ohm, Faraday, Henry, Tesla, Kelvin. Or they just have descriptive labels, but I’m not sure of the Greek root for a unit of exchange . . .

True enough. But it’s just a game mechanic, I don’t see that it has to be a metric unit.

Of course it doesn’t have to. But that’s the joke I was making.

If you’re thinking of it as a game mechanic . . . well, in GURPS, there are hit points (HP) and fatigue points (FP) and now control points (CP), and back when I was working on GURPS Social Engineering there were people who wanted a combat-like system with some sort of points as well. So in GURPS I suppose you might say Wealth Points (WP). Or in a different system you could use some gamelike abbreviation for what is, as you say, simply a game mechanic.