People know a lot about docker

All of you deserve some kind of prize!

What are you going to do with it now @Juraz ?


My plans are to start off making the easy QoL changes a lot of us on the discord have been talking about. Changing numeral values to make the daze mechanic less terribly unfun. An improved map. Adding walls back. There are some more complicated things Iā€™d like to add/change that will take a bit more work. Iā€™ll be making a thread in the discord about possible edits soon to get feedback. Once I have a build that makes enough of a change to be worthwhile Iā€™ll start looking into hosting it.


I love that people here both know how to and are willing to help out a stranger with esoteric docker/git problems :slight_smile:

Hope you enjoy the result @Juraz!


Hey I donā€™t even know what docker is and I read the complete threadā€¦ it will probably appear in the next Traveller game I run