Worker to pick up contract J please.
@Delwayne asked for a die roll:
10d64: 14 + 41 + 4 + 49 + 5 + 11 + 63 + 11 + 25 + 39 = 262
I will go for sword contract C from green clan.
@Delwayne asked for a die roll:
10d64: 4 + 17 + 48 + 19 + 41 + 33 + 46 + 27 + 54 + 16 = 305
I will advance my steel decorator and decorate the three undecorated resources on the shogun’s sword.
As my free action I’ll decorate a wood. Any wood
I will decorate a red for 2 coins.
@Malusdei to decide his.
Send a worker to the academy. Decorate all the things on the shogun sword
I will decorate stone at B1 for 2 coins.
Polish one steel on sword in B3
I will polish the wood and metal of my non-shogun swords.
And then for my turn, I will take a Palace Action.
Move my family member from cheap Lacquer to cheap Ray Leather.
Get 2 money.
Buy cheap Ray Leather.
Use Ray Leather to advance A4 sword in my forge.
Turn in my sword at E2. Please remember it is supposed to have a polished wood segment on it.
I’ll use my palace action from the above to advance my shogun sword and then deliver it.
4+4+2+1=11vp. gain 6 coin, wood, stone.
and also free up a worker.
before lifting up