PBF Shogun No Katana #1

Polish wood please

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will @shiberson be taking a card?

I’ll take the left one that rewards for leather

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Okay. tis Solomon turn. He has a worker left.


@Malusdei will choose contract J

He will get the last honor card. Also, for having the Shoguns favor in his area at the end of the round he gets to choose either 4vp or a resource for his Shogun plan.
We will reset the board and get ready for the next round.

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I will take the 4 VP.

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@Delwayne asked for a die roll:
14d50: 21 + 24 + 23 + 2 + 35 + 31 + 47 + 13 + 17 + 37 + 3 + 29 + 42 + 33 = 357
5d64: 45 + 62 + 64 + 6 + 22 = 199
8d22: 9 + 17 + 8 + 5 + 11 + 9 + 14 + 15 = 88

looks like we are ready to go.

I will go first.

Red will take a worker and visit the castle. I’m going to use my 3 cards 3 times to activate a room. First I’ll place a family member in the using forge room and then activate all three normal family members. And then I will use the token three times to purchase a red and two white resources for a total of 4 coins. My red polisher will promote, I will gain 2 coin, and I will work the shoguns sword. Everyone will get to activate only one family member. I will spend one 1 coin to place the permanent wood. And that will complete my turn.

next up is @shiberson

I’ll move my sword in row 3

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@shiberson @Malusdei
get to activate a family member.
lets have them do that before continuing.

I’ll move my sword in A1

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I’ll work on my A3 sword.

Please note: that sword needs a Sashimono.

good catch. it is a blue one.
it is now @shiberson normal turn.

oh but… you don’t have a family member in that room. I’ll re-check and see…

nope, you don’t have that room.

(UPDATE: he will take the coins instead)

it is @shiberson turn

I will send a worker to work row B of my forge.

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next up is @RossM

Use a worker to take contract B please

@Delwayne asked for a die roll:
5d64: 64 + 17 + 6 + 37 + 47 = 171