PBF Shogun No Katana #1

@Delwayne asked for a die roll:
4d64: 57 + 37 + 39 + 28 = 161

next is @Malusdei

Worker on column B please.

Honor cards this round.

next up is RED

@Delwayne asked for a die roll:
I will purchase the monk (6 coins) to visit the market.
I will purchase 4 lumber, 2 steel, 1 sharkskin (total 11 coins).
First card I will take is B. Reveal next card
4d28: 17 + 2 + 1 + 24 = 44

@Delwayne asked for a die roll:

I will take that card as my second. so next card will be
4d28: 11 + 17 + 9 + 5 = 42

correction. less one sharkskin. so three coins back.

next up is @shiberson

Let me know if all of this is possible under the rules. Before I do anything, I will use my card to double the points scored by delivering the completed sword in B3 of my forge. I’ll pay three to put the permanent benefit at the end of row 3. Then I will deliver that sword and put the decorated steel and wood in my shogun project space.

Then I’ll buy a monk and use him to activate row 4 of my forge, and then to complete the sword that is now in space B3 as well.

From the second sword, I’ll put the undecorated stingray leather in my project space.

I think that all materials for the shogun sword have to be redecorated. Not sure though

Page 15 of the rulebook indicates otherwise to me. I think you can have both kinds on it.

When you take resources for the Shogun sword. You are only using them for the “Blueprint” / plan for making his sword. When you do go to make the sword, you still have to have your resources to make the actual sword and you make it like a normal sword which includes having to polish if you want to. All the resources in the “planning area” are non polished stuff because it is only a “plan”.

You do get penalized if you had to remove or change resources in the “plan”. So choose wisely.

This is how it looks prior to lifting up.

you’ll also be getting a released worker as well. Let us know if you still would like to use your monk. Also, that second sword would be completed at B2 not B3.

let us know if this is all okay and you can continue.

Also, for that sword you got 8+2+1+2 = 13vp

So the pool of resources isn’t actual resources to use in the sword.

No they are not.
When you make the Shogun sword, you have to get actual real resources like a normal sword.

Glad I found that out now!

Do you want to change this to one wood, one steel?

otherwise, your “recipe” would need to include “both” of those resources.
and your “recipe” has to include at least one of each resource.