PBF Roads & Boats "A River Runs Through It" cooperative puzzle

Each layer of the wonder is 10 WP, if you have at least one brick in it.
Each gold on a transporter is 10 WP.
Each coins on a transporter is 40 WP.
Each stock on a transporter is 120 WP.

This is on the right-hand side of the player aid and under “End” in the rules post.


Thanks. I got halfway through a teach video.

Coins and stock would appear to be the way forward. I’m guessing in solo maybe we ignore the wonder phase (at least early) because we’ll be giving up valuable resources for a limited return.

Maybe instead of breeding donkeys early on we try to get geese to reproduce? We’ve got very limited access to pasture initially.

Here’s my thoughts.

If we build sawmill woodcutter and quarry turn one, we got the start of an economy going, we can then move the donkeys to breed.

If we breed donkeys first, we can’t even build the woodcutter until turn 3. (We need to move back to the base to pick up the board, 1 turn, and then move and build, 1 turn.)

We can let donkeys stay there for two turns until we’ve got maximum donkeys and then breed the geese we need, before building a paper mill on the pasture to complete our research.

As Benkyo says, what do we want to research other than oil rigs?


I’m guessing we’ll need research to get more than 2 stock mines worth of iron and gold

And for research we need geese?

(Said no one ever)


That is correct


I don’t understand this enough yet to make a better suggestion than this. (Not to say it’s a bad suggestion!)

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Where do geese have to be to research?


During the production phase, for every set of 2 geese and 1 paper on any tile, research is produced. If there is no transport on the tile, the research is lost


Ok 2 geese for oil rigs two for new
Mine shafts. The scenario instructions say we already can build raft factories (I think) @pillbox would you have another 2 geese to research the way to get mines that are all gold?

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Yeah, I think building 1 3 iron/3 gold mine and then later an all-gold mine may be the way to go.

My first thought was being able to re-start one of the mines, but I’m thinking we won’t have time to fully deplete a mine.

The question really comes down to: how much iron are we going to need? I’m thinking “not a lot”

1 piece for the new shaft I guess

So, as early as possible, a standard 3/3 mine. Then an all-gold mine, and then possibly restarting the first mine.

That would still leave 2 iron in the unlikely case we would get a truck factory or a steamer factory

I think any transport factory is pointless if you build rafts. I think donkeys are all we will need on such a small map

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The geese and paper are lost, an understanding of metaphysics is gained! No practical application for that in the game, but still…


May I suggest not hoping for a perfect solution first time? Just see how it goes, and discover the problems as they occur.

I’m looking for confirmation of the starting space, and first turn moves and building.

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I agree with 2-3 as a starting location as well as the east bank (as opposed to the northwest bank)

So we are all agreed on starting location.



Two choices

Move donkey and materials for quarry to stone tile and
  • Breed donkeys in the pasture
  • Send one donkey to build woodcutter and one donkey stays put to build sawmill.

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