Musings about what I do/don't want from an RPG system

In this particular combat, one of the PCs got his horns stuck in the skeleton (gotta love botches) and needed the NPC’s help to escape. It was a good spotlight moment because that PC and the NPC were from rival kobold clans. Also, the PC is mean and disagreeable whereas the NPC is helpful and loyal (the other PCs really like her), so having to be rescued was a fun indignity for him to suffer. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Interesting take. I kind of agree with you! I always liked a lot of stuff about Palladium RPGs if you ever tried them, EXCEPT that characters that were thieves had terrible pickpocket rolls, or scouts were awful at tracking (at least at first level). Was very annyoing.

With combat I think you are correct, HOWEVER what I think is better is if you have a MINION combat sytem that is is quick and easy, but something different for boss fights. That means you can get through most combats easily, but can still have Epic full session combats once in a while.

I would buy your RPG though.

  1. List item

Also between the social skills of the GM and the NPCs. If the GM is not a a professional actor, or does not like RPing certain types of social interactions, then they won’t be haggling, flirting, seducing, intimidating, etc as full-on RP.