'James Bond 007' from Victory Games

So, as The Great Sages revealed in episode 101 of Improvised Radio Theatre with Dice, we carried out the plan outlined above. I was not in form, and my familiarity with JB007 was very rusty, and the character-players were not confident and decisive because they were learning the rules and not familiar with my style. So we didn’t manage to get through a whole adventure in two three-hour sessions. Nevertheless I think a good time was had by all, and I did get a couple of things to stick their landings when the players recognised Operation Grapple and Obersturmbahnführer Otto Skorzeny.

My main regret is that I did not get to demonstrate the awesomeness that is the James Bond 007 random encounter system to anything like the extent I would have liked. Many of the genre conventions, such as being captured so that the villain takes you to his lair and explains the plot, are built into the encounter system. In terms of the rules, movie Bond succeeds in his missions despite (perhaps even because of) being a bad secret agent because of the way the encounter system works (or can by made to work, if you spend hero points judiciously).

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