I finally played this tonight, and was underwhelmed – sadly the decisions never felt interesting, and it took way too long to play (but wouldn’t be as bad at the supposed 30mins). It’s mostly a matter of trading your way to enough money to win, and most of the time you can see what the market is going to do for the next few turns, so the decisions are pretty much planned out for you in advance – you’re either buying low, selling high, or treading water until you can do one of those two things. The deck throws lots of random events and speed-bumps at you, and you’ll want to upgrade your ship, but I found it all a bit dull.
I had higher hopes for it, so I’d included the two mini expansions in the order. I guess I’ll try those out, but this wasn’t a great first impression unfortunately.
OTOH I have been enjoying a few games of Food Chain Island recently. It may be simple, but it’s fast, I enjoy the art, and it makes me think.