Anyone have any advice on mesh wifi networks?

@dscheidt, after another day I think my family would benefit from this. I’m past my days of setting up Unreal servers but the access control and scheduling would be a boost.

Do you have any recommendations on what to look for in the box-behind-the-box, or should I just get any affordable, configurable router?

I had a small box running pfSense and a couple other services. the hardware failed, and I reverted to using the functionality provided by my ISPs router. For my purposes, this works fine, but I have two features I miss: one, I don’t get to run my own caching nameserver, and the ones my ISP runs lie about nxdomain queries. two, I can’t keep just my amazon fire from using IPv6, so I have to turn it off entirely (because Disney+ doesn’t work if IPv6 is availalble. That’s pathetic, but out of my control.)

Rebuilding the machine is on the list of things to do, but it seems an awful lot like ‘work’, so it’s not very high on the list.